Anyone over 300lbs and/or playing DDR for exercise?

I'm kinda shy online; in fact, more shy then I am in person even oddly enough... but i'm really hoping to make some friends and maybe succeed.

I'm wondering if anybody else on here started at above 300lbs might wana be friends w me? I've reached a new new low at my highest high of 340 and it's scaring my for my life expectancy. I'm on one medication for my cholesterol and my diabetes markers are just on the upper edge of normal.

It all started with an exercise challenge I made to myself. I made a deal with my best friends, bfs gf etc. that i would exercise for 15min a day by playing DDR (dance dance revolution) for 90 consecutive days and i kept track and i even got sick once or twice but i kept going and got 90 consecutive days and if/when i succeeded we would throw me a party to celebrate. I was so proud!

And i didn't stop after i hit 90 days either. I took 3 days off and then started up again with one or 2 rest days per week. But even with that my weight throughout the challenge either stayed the same or i gained weight. That was kinda the final straw and thats why i redownloded this app to my phone and got the courage to introduce myself here.

I really didn't want track my food again like i did when i was in my teens and early 20s. Looking back i felt so traumatized by the self hatred that went along with my calorie counting that I never wanted to diet again... but i figure, if I can work out for 90 consecutive days in spite of being sick twice i can keep a food diary.

I plan to just get comfortable recording my food at first and i think just that alone is going to even help because I won't eat so mindlessly and i'll put more though into it without even meaning to. Like that scientific law that states you can't observe something without changing it, i hope tracking my diet will at the very least make me more contentious of it on a subconscious level. Thats my theory in a nutshell at this point.

Anyway, if anyone stuck around long enough to read that long bit of rambling, I'd love for you to add me as a friend.