The Key

mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
Just a thought last night as i lay in bed trying to sleep...theres always tricks, must dos, things we overlook...what am i doing wrong or right.

The key to happiness is...
The key to losing weight is...
The key to my heart...



  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    The key to staying organized...throw your junk in a junk drawer, closet, or room.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    The key to always looking selfie filters.
  • AlyssaP1987
    AlyssaP1987 Posts: 264 Member
    The key to losing weight is to just do it. Stop making excuses. Stop eating crappy foods, stop feeling the need to cheat on your diet. I was ADDICTED to carbs and sugar. Addicted. I made excuses for my whole life. Yo yo dieted my whole life. I would start a diet and then fail a few weeks later. It wasn't until I just deciced enough is enough. I have lost 51.8 pounds in 4 months. I am strict keto, I haven't cheated at all. You HAVE to make it a choice. It's your CHOICE to eat right. Your body and your hunger does not control you. You control you. Its a mindset. I tried finding the "key" my whole life. Its all about willpower.
  • MagnumOpus1
    MagnumOpus1 Posts: 161 Member
    The key to my heart...llama socks.

  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    The key is life is laughter
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    The key is life is laughter
  • MagnumOpus1
    MagnumOpus1 Posts: 161 Member
    I like this idea.

    The key to happiness is coming to a realisation that happiness is fleeting. Happiness doesn't work when you're not happy. What's better than happiness is living a meaningful life. Sacrificing what seems good right now for the betterment of tomorrow and the days after. Bargain with the future through sacrifice. The best thing is you get to choose your sacrifice.
  • MagnumOpus1
    MagnumOpus1 Posts: 161 Member
    The key to a perfect muffin is heating it in the microwave for 30 seconds flat.
  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,711 Member
    The key to perfect pancakes is to wait till they are bubbling and flip them.
  • Ssssss666666
    Ssssss666666 Posts: 560 Member
    The key to a happiness is to not sweat the small stuff
  • IHaveMyActTogether
    IHaveMyActTogether Posts: 945 Member
    Just a thought last night as i lay in bed trying to sleep...theres always tricks, must dos, things we overlook...what am i doing wrong or right.

    The key to happiness is...

    King Solomon famously went on a quest for happiness. He sought knowledge, wisdom, wealth, gardening, building cities, sleeping with women, drinking and reveling, collecting horses (car collecting), entertainment. He said all of it was like chasing after the wind. His depressing story is found in the book of Ecclesiastes.

    He finally found that happiness was to obey God, enjoy your food and enjoy your work.

    Something that also helped is a book called "How to be Happy No Matter What: Things your therapist never told you." It made some great points about not evaluating your life when you're in a bad mood, and how to recognize that you are in a bad mood, not a bad life, and about separate realities of humans. Two humans, same situation, different perspectives.

    The key to losing weight is...

    I'll get back to you on that one when I figure it out. LOL. Just kidding. The key is...DON'T QUIT. Go slower if you must, but DON'T QUIT!


    The key to my heart...

    Only God has that. <3<3<3 (See your first question :):):) )

  • IHaveMyActTogether
    IHaveMyActTogether Posts: 945 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    The key to happiness is to stop waiting for the correct alignment of stars to produce the right conditions... I'll be happy when I lose 20 lbs... I'll be happy when I get a raise... buy a new car... win the lottery... whatever. It's to find happiness in the little things that surround you here and now.

    That is great advice!
  • IHaveMyActTogether
    IHaveMyActTogether Posts: 945 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »
    The key to losing weight is.....train your mind and your body will follow. Kind of works for a lot of things. People tend do do the opposite because they are impatient.

    Wow! Powerful.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    The key to happiness is not placing it in other people.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    The key to a good nap is having an excellent snuggle buddy or substitute snuggly blanket.