I just want to be comfortable in my body!

I’ve lost 40 lbs so far and my next goal is to lose another 20! Who else feels completely stuck and just unhappy in their body?!


  • belladamjc
    belladamjc Posts: 55 Member
    I certainly do. I'd say quite a few more than would be willing to admit, if they really looked themselves in the eye. But you've made great progress and I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be!! :smiley:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I get angry at the chronic unhappiness that plagues so many women. I have entries in my diary from my TWENTIES, “I have to diet and get control of my life”. I’m in my fifties. Yes, weight loss is hard. But I don’t ever want to fall in the trap that I have not “arrived” until I achieve an ideal.

    I have in laws and stepmoms who left no pictures of themselves because they didn’t like how they looked. These were vital interesting women but you’d never know it from the absence of any record that they existed.

    Every good choice is a victory every single day. And the rest is life. Approach it with gusto.

  • mazurkiepolish
    mazurkiepolish Posts: 363 Member
    Me!! I’ve been uncomfortable with myself for a long time. Glad I’m finally doing something about it.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    i think "uncomfortable in our own skin" is a common condition for women and girls...we were bred to feel less than. be invisible. be anything but noticeable w an opinion,
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    edited August 2018
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I get angry at the chronic unhappiness that plagues so many women. I have entries in my diary from my TWENTIES, “I have to diet and get control of my life”. I’m in my fifties. Yes, weight loss is hard. But I don’t ever want to fall in the trap that I have not “arrived” until I achieve an ideal.

    I have in laws and stepmoms who left no pictures of themselves because they didn’t like how they looked. These were vital interesting women but you’d never know it from the absence of any record that they existed.

    Every good choice is a victory every single day. And the rest is life. Approach it with gusto.


    I feel like I should quote this to my mom, she refuses to take pictures and I’m scared that once she’s gone I will literally not have any photos of her 😪😢

    I guess I’ve never been totally comfortable in my own skin. There’s always something I wish was different but I know when I’m around a certain point (my normal me I call it, where it’s doable and maintainable and not too shabby) I’m a lot more comfortable and confident then where I am now.
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    @kybakes96 you can do this it’s a lifestyle you could invest in a personal trainer and nutritionist this is a good app to keep you in check but you change a lot about the way you’re living
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    For me, confidence was one of those "fake it until you make it" type things. I wasn't always confident in my own skin and I have an overweight mother that projected her own insecurities on me growing up which did not help. I was always "chubby" as a kid and through college. I learned to be more confident and happy with who I am as a person. My weight has fluctuated (lowest 120 lbs, highest 180 lbs) throughout my 20's (I'm now 30). I still have some fat to go before I reach my current goal weight, but I am still mostly happy with my body and what it can do. I am the strongest I have been and I plan to keep getting stronger. Think of all the things your body is capable of. You are so much more than just a number on a scale.