5’7, 211 lbs looking for weight loss buddy

I’m 20 years old and in my junior year of college. Over the past year or so I have gained about 25 lbs and am looking to lose about 60 lbs and get to a healthy weight before next summer. Hoping to find a weight loss buddy with similar starting weight or goal to keep me accountable and motivated!


  • Alisiya__
    Alisiya__ Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 26, 5'7 and 206 lbs. Also looking to lose about 60 lbs - I've been going thru a divorce and with the stress and depression, not to mention a crazy work schedule, found myself gaining quite a bit of weight (roughly 35 lbs) and am now working on losing it.
  • ebric
    ebric Posts: 2 Member
    Me too :)

    I need to not fall off the wagon (again!). I have a family reunion in November and they can be a little blunt so I'm here to kick my own butt. Every. Day.
  • SilzNelson
    SilzNelson Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me as a friend. I am also looking to make friends as a great support team. Doing the diet stuff is hard on your own. Its been hard for me when my family and friends arent into doing all the diet stuff i am doing. They are supportive of what i am doing but not the type of support i need to keep motivated. Also id like to help someone else on their journey as well.
  • CherNJ
    CherNJ Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I could use support as well. I am looking to lose weight as well as improve over all health. I am in my 50’s so it sounds like I am much older than most on this chain but I think the principles are the same regardless of age. Big picture for me would be to lose 50 lbs but I plan to tackle it in smaller bites. Goal 1 for me is to lose 20lbs and work out at least 3 days a week. Would love some buddy’s for the journey!
  • prettyhappyrunning
    prettyhappyrunning Posts: 16 Member
    I’m in! 214 5’6 and need to shed these pounds. I’m sick of not feeling like me. Please add me because I’m clueless how to add people. I can use all the help I can get.
  • megslet_92
    megslet_92 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! It's nice to find people in the same height/weight "category". I'm about 5'8 and just weighed in at 227 lbs this morning, and I just need the motivation to finally lose it and start feeling better- feeling better physically and feeling better about myself. I'm 26 and was thin/average for most of my life (about 150-160 lbs), but I've been in a pretty dark depression for about 3 years and "let myself go". Hoping to lose the 60ish lbs I've gained (mostly in the last 18 months) to get my life, health, and confidence back. I just love ice cream so much!
  • MiaisMIAinMiami
    MiaisMIAinMiami Posts: 196 Member
    Hi! I’m similar too! 5’7”, 207 this morning (from 213 a few weeks ago!). My first mini-goal is 190, then 159 (the top of normal BMI), and we’ll see from there :). I’d love some new friends!
  • scaye103092
    scaye103092 Posts: 48 Member
    Almost 26 here. Currently 207 but 3 weeks ago I weighed in at 215 (about 15 pounds more than I thought sadly). I’m 5’2” and carry my body weight a bit....differently than the typical person my height (large bust, muscular legs, decently sized rear end) so I’m not super following what the internet says my BMI should be as my proportions have been VERY hourglass since I was 13 years old and nothing really accounts for that IMO. I’m hoping to lose about 60 more to get to where I was 4 years ago!
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Added u,, anyone else feel free to add :)
    Good luck on ur journey
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    Im 22, 5'8. I was 259 in February 2018, I'm currently around 189. Looking to get around 160-165 :smile: But can't remember being that weight as an adult, so will have to see when i get there, Add me, always looking for motivation & support.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    LaurenMT96 wrote: »
    Im 22, 5'8. I was 259 in February 2018, I'm currently around 189. Looking to get around 160-165 :smile: But can't remember being that weight as an adult, so will have to see when i get there, Add me, always looking for motivation & support.
    Great progress - you've done amazing Lauren!
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    LaurenMT96 wrote: »
    Im 22, 5'8. I was 259 in February 2018, I'm currently around 189. Looking to get around 160-165 :smile: But can't remember being that weight as an adult, so will have to see when i get there, Add me, always looking for motivation & support.
    Great progress - you've done amazing Lauren!

    Thanks very much!
  • jennyp59
    jennyp59 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey im new to this, my name is jenny and im 5"8 and 216 lbs im my aim is to get to 121 lbs before october next year so I can go on holiday for my 21st and look my best 🙂
  • robyntaylor1990
    robyntaylor1990 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm 221 lbs and 5'6 I've gained just over 2st in the two years ive been with my now fiance. I also didn't lose the baby weight I gained 5 years ago, but added more lol. (179 lbs pre pregnancy)
    I can no longer procrastinate and live in leggings year in year out, it's such a struggle to eat healthy, but it's more of a struggle being this weight. Hoping to get down to a UK size 8 Feel free to add me
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m 5’8”, started at 215lbs and currently just under 200. I’m 26 and the upcoming semester will (hopefully) be my last semester in law school and first semester in business/economics - I live in Finland, so the college system is a bit different. I’m always open for new active MFP friends, so add me :)
  • TheresaStream
    TheresaStream Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I have started the path to get myself to a place a feel the most happy in all possible ways.
    And being a part of a support team is definitely a better way to motivate yourself further.
    So far I’ve lost about 5 kg (about 11 pounds).

    Feel free to add me! 👍
  • Cascadae
    Cascadae Posts: 34 Member
    Im 22 and im on track for 49 days now trying to lose body fat while keeping lean muscles in way to get my six pack , its my first diet and I've lost 11 pounds already

    Feep free to add 👌
  • I started 217lbs and am 5”1. I am struggling continuing losing weight recently because I am lacking motivation and holding myself accountable. 😕 Send me a request if you want to help each other! It’s a way to be held accountable! 😉