What % of time do you reckon you take off exercise due to ill health?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I walked the dogs for about 90 minutes today. Didn't go to the gym or bike. Not really hungry. Just had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches, about 6 almonds, a chocolate drink (like 30 cals) and a banana smoothie. Apparently it's okay to eat less when you are sick.

    i wouldn't make a habit of it though. eating too little wont help your body heal. if you're sick often then maybe you need to look at your nutrition a bit more carefully
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Thanks everyone. I have a nasal spray I use sometimes (not when I have a cold though, not sure if I should or not?), and some allergy meds. Maybe that's what made the difference? Still walking the dogs, but the walks are like 20 minutes instead of 90 minutes. When I go to the gym, I usually just do 30 minutes on the bike, so I guess I could still do something similar.

    I'm pretty sure I've talked to my doctor about it. I wasn't convinced by what he said, but most of the sickness has gone away since I've stopped personal training (possibly the same time I started the nasal spray/allergy pills?).

    I guess I should keep working out. Thanks for the help everyone, I feel empowered :)

    The thing with allergy meds is that you have to take them all the time, not here and there. That's been my experience anyway.

    I take the allergy pill everyday. I just use the nasal spray when I think I need it. I'm not a very consistent person, probably because I don't have a routine. Is it important to take at the same time every day?

    Yes, in my experience. I just make it part of my bedtime routine. Claritin, brush teeth, Flonase.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    When I did personal training I would workout most of the time, no matter how bad I felt. Then I moved to a town with a lot of dust and I got sick and never really recovered. I had this nasty cough that lasted a year or two and I never felt well or healthy, even though I was training 2-3 times a week plus walking most days.

    Have you been tested for Valley Fever? IT's very common in the desert, carried in the dust. I knew someone who lost half a lung because of it.
  • KerrieA87
    KerrieA87 Posts: 167 Member
    I have autoimmune difficulties so if I’m ill with a flare of symptoms then exercising is pretty much 0. However once we get it back under control again I’m able to do some but cardio is a challenge so I have to take it day by day or it could literally kill me.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited August 2018
    I hardly ever get sick. Maybe once a year. I happen to have been sick for the last 2 weeks though. I've heard of the "neck rule" where if your sickness is below the neck you shouldn't work out? I've had a horrible sore and swollen throat and stuffy nose, which then turned into a chest thing and I was hacking up gunk for a week and a half. I also had pink eye to top it off lol. I am following a strength program right now 3x a week, so I continued to do that, but I haven't been running because I felt that would be to strenuous. I planned to do my first run post-sickness last night and of course it was pouring down rain so that didn't happen.