Brand spankin new

lybarni Posts: 48 Member
edited August 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!
I’m new here and just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name isLinda and I’m 50 and just starting with is fitness bug. I’ve never really worked out or ever really tried losing weight. But, about 6 weeks ago something got under my skin because now I’m going for it! Now after 6 weeks, I can walk a mile and 1/2 with intervals of running with inclines where before I had to rest when even I tried to walk a mile. I’m down 5 lbs. yesterday I quit smoking. Wow, lots of pressures but, you know what I’m
Doing it and I’m ok. But I love meeting people doing the same thing and facing the same challenges. Hope you all have a wonderful day!


‘Believe you can and you’re halfway there’


  • Johnk942
    Johnk942 Posts: 109 Member
    We are in the same age range. (I am 56.) Feel free to add me and good luck!