Why the addtion of cals after working out?

Ok so I walked up stairs for around 15 - 20 mintues yestruday and took my dog for a 20 - 30 minute walk. Umm why did calories get added on that I can eat? Am I suppose to add those and eat those, or just leave them aside? I am allotted 1500 cals to eat a day. Plus I am doing the walking thing with the dog and the stairs 5 days a week. So should I be eating more cals, after they are added in by this thing or stay at eating only 1500? I think I am just confused.


  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    You're supposed to eat most of them. MFP already works out your calories so that you loose weight. If you don't eat at least some of your exercise calories your body will think it is starving and go into starvation mode. However, exercise is soooo good for you, makes you fitter and healthy and helps shape up your bod as you loose the weight!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You're supposed to eat them. MFP has already built your calorie deficit into your calorie recommendation. So when you exercise & burn calories, you need to replace the calories you've burned. It is possible to creat a calorie deficit that is too big.

    You have to learn what works for you. I have to eat my exercise calories. If you search the archives, you'll find a billion and one topics on eating your exercise calories. I recommend starting here:

  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    Thank you, so much. :) I read a little about what some people had to say about it, but I was still confused. I am now understanding. Eat the calories if they are added in from excersising. :)
