First Week Post Keto



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    There is no weight loss advantage in doing keto.

    What the, huh? Is this /sarcasm?

    nope I did keto and I didnt lose weight any faster doing it than not doing it. but for me I had to stop due to health issues I didnt know I had ,and it aggravated my rheumatoid arthritis something awful.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Almost a week since I stopped Keto after having done it for six months, losing 60 pounds. I also just stopped HBP medication. I am now up 3 pounds for the week. Not sure which is adding the weight, the diet change or the water retention from stopping the HBP meds. I currently weigh 209 and I am 5-9. I started at 270 and my goal is 169, so I have about 40 to go.

    My plan is to do a 1,500 calorie diet, tracking all the way. I am a bit impatient. I always thought of Keto as a sprint and not a marathon. I always wanted to finish as quickly as possible so I could get to a maintenance diet of more balanced foods. Well, I tired of Keto, so am willing to take a short term hit on the way to my goal, but I am getting a bit concerned that this weight gain will continue. Not sure I can watch it go a whole lot higher without jumping back on the Keto train though I do feel like I am eating so much healthier now.

    Keep tracking your blood pressure to be certain, but as others have said it is most likely water weight. It should even out and you'll begin to see that downward trend in your weight.
  • Caralarma
    Caralarma Posts: 174 Member
    I am a keto diet hater. I know I might catch backlash for that, but I truly think its extreme and a poor way to treat your body, despite the fact that I know many people lose weight successfully from it. I think you are right and the water weight is what your'e seeing with the fluctuation/gain. You said you feel like you are eating so much healthier, that is a good thing! What matters in my opinion is how you feel. Stick to your plan as best as you can and keep it up!

    So am I. I feel like it's a fad quick fix which isn't really maintainable in the long run. Not sure why anyone would want to live that way when you can get the same results eating cookies and cake 😂 each to their own I guess