What in the world is wrong with me???



  • piersons
    piersons Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone for the ideas, encouragement and support!
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    This is my second time losing weight. (I'm a pregnancy pound packer) The first time I had 40 lbs to lose. I sat down and wrote out rewards for every 5 lb increment I dropped weight. It broke up the bulk and burden or knowing it would take me just as long to lose the weight as it did the 9 months I spent gaining it, and wouldn't nearly as easy.

    I wrote down 8 rewards that I wanted, then I ranked them smallest to biggest. Stuff like a new pair of sterling silver earrings ($15 max at Walmart) all the way to a full on new hairstyle with cut and color (grand prize). I did cardio 6 days a week for 65 minutes and ate meticulously healthy. I was losing the weight, but so busy tending to two kids, three if you count the needy husband, and a full time job, full time college schedule and dedicated workout routine that I didn't have time to even buy some of the rewards before I blew past that increment and hit the next. but knowing I had earned those rewards and could treat myself at anytime for what I'd already accomplished kept me motivated.

    Food is not a reward.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Habits can be much harder to break then you think. I know I do really well and then I hit a new goal and I celebrate by slipping back into old habits. Usually a night or a day doesn't do any damage, it's when you think a few days or few nights won't do any damage and then those days keep extending until you've gained a few pounds back. I think the trick is to teach yourself that it's okay to celebrate with a night or a day off but you can't keep extending the celebration.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I use to do that , at least on the consoling part, I would eat a comfort carb food. I became aware of this, it didn't stop right away, but I think admitting to seeing that you are doing this is a big step in learning to confront that and stop doing it. I reward my good behavior with a new tea to drink, or a cute pair of non expensive earings. For bad days when I am stressing I cant say I wont ever run to comfort food but if I do I limit it to a serving and don't beat myself up over the one thing. If I can pull myself up I go workout to work it off and then I feel better, or workout on purpose in advance to cover the times you know you will eat at a party or more than normal.
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    I don't think anything is wrong with you. I think most people have been where you are. Instead of food rewards, I like to shop. Even if it is just for new nail polish. Are you completely restricting your diet? If so, that might make it really hard to stop rewarding with food. I noticed when I was eating too little, all I could think about was food. If i made it thru the week, I could have pizza and chicken wings for dinner on friday...that type of thing. Well Friday night would turn into a whole weekend of bad eating. So make sure you are eating enough everyday and allow for "fun" food. Work it into your calories. You may not need to reward yourself with food anymore, because you CAN eat the good stuff too!
    Totally agree, working in all the foods you like will help keep you on track, and once you surpass another milestone, you may not be subject to overindulgence. And if you do, you start over the next day. It's a lifetime struggle to stay healthy.
  • Amanda_Tate28
    Amanda_Tate28 Posts: 168 Member
    I have noticed an unhealthy and unsettling pattern in my progress. Everytime I start doing well and experience victories, I sabotage myself by letting go, being undisciplined, and end up taking 10 steps back. Why do I do this? Is it my unhealthy association with food? In my family we traditionally celebrate anything and everything, highs and lows, joys and sorrows with food. Sometimes I consider a large slice of carrot cake with extra cream cheese icing as a "reward" for doing well on my health quest or as a treat when I'm feeling down. How ridiculous is that? Yesterday I had a scale victory and reached a milestone that I'd been striving for. You would think this would motivate me to keep doing the right things..... but no, I rewarded myself with a sugar/starch/carb overload. I need help. How do you reward/console yourself and what have you incorporated in your lifestyle to substitute poor eating habits?

    I have the same problem. Add me so we can motivate each other.
    I am going to go to counseling for this problem and Ill let you know what they say :]
  • belles783
    Ugh, that sounds JUST like me (especially the carrot cake part...that is by far my biggest weakness)! You would think we would want to reward ourselves with a new, smaller item of clothing or a pedicure or something, but no...it's food... For me, food is my drug and I am addicted...when I am sad, or stressed or bored or happy or want to celebrate something, I turn to food. I am trying to get out of that habit, especially the mindless eating out of boredom. I don't think we should completely deprive ourselves of the things we like to eat because then we will just over do it, it just needs to be in moderation... It's a challenge every day, but in the end I think reaching that goal weight and the way it will make you feel will be far more rewarding than all the carrot cake in the world... :smile:
  • Amanda_Tate28
    Amanda_Tate28 Posts: 168 Member
    This is my second time losing weight. (I'm a pregnancy pound packer) The first time I had 40 lbs to lose. I sat down and wrote out rewards for every 5 lb increment I dropped weight. It broke up the bulk and burden or knowing it would take me just as long to lose the weight as it did the 9 months I spent gaining it, and wouldn't nearly as easy.

    I wrote down 8 rewards that I wanted, then I ranked them smallest to biggest. Stuff like a new pair of sterling silver earrings ($15 max at Walmart) all the way to a full on new hairstyle with cut and color (grand prize). I did cardio 6 days a week for 65 minutes and ate meticulously healthy. I was losing the weight, but so busy tending to two kids, three if you count the needy husband, and a full time job, full time college schedule and dedicated workout routine that I didn't have time to even buy some of the rewards before I blew past that increment and hit the next. but knowing I had earned those rewards and could treat myself at anytime for what I'd already accomplished kept me motivated.

    Food is not a reward.


    Thank you this is an AMAZING idea!
  • VioletNightshade
    I used to do that as well. I still do to an extent (but this time I have measures in place to help control the binges)

    Deep down, I think I'm afraid of what life's going to be like "thin," since I haven't been that way in so many years.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Personally for me, I don't give myself food rewards. I'm a stress/emotional eater and I would eat to cope/celebrate etc. So when I reach milestones, I buy myself new makeup, get my hair done, nails, buy me some gourmet coffee, candles..I love candles. Something new for the house. I get things, that are improvements, except the coffee, I just love it!! :)

    THIS. Instead of rewarding yourself with food, try buying yourself a new shirt or pair of pants that shows off how good you look now that you've lost weight? Makeup or something like that is another good alternative. Good luck!
  • kspexet
    kspexet Posts: 27 Member
    I am in the same situation!!!! I don't know what to do about it either. I need help!
  • griffith5150
    I have noticed an unhealthy and unsettling pattern in my progress. Everytime I start doing well and experience victories, I sabotage myself by letting go, being undisciplined, and end up taking 10 steps back. Why do I do this? Is it my unhealthy association with food? In my family we traditionally celebrate anything and everything, highs and lows, joys and sorrows with food. Sometimes I consider a large slice of carrot cake with extra cream cheese icing as a "reward" for doing well on my health quest or as a treat when I'm feeling down. How ridiculous is that? Yesterday I had a scale victory and reached a milestone that I'd been striving for. You would think this would motivate me to keep doing the right things..... but no, I rewarded myself with a sugar/starch/carb overload. I need help. How do you reward/console yourself and what have you incorporated in your lifestyle to substitute poor eating habits?

    I been there done that, and still have a habit of doing it. I know I do it and try to catch myself from doing it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't...
  • kspexet
    kspexet Posts: 27 Member
    I love this idea!
  • piersons
    piersons Posts: 51 Member
    You sound like you could be my twin! When i'm tempted or when others don't undersatnd why I'm so strict sometimes, I describe my relationship with food as a drug addiction or alcoholism. I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. It's my crutch. But we will both get through this and reach our goals.... even if we choose to have a slice of carrot cake along the way. :smile:

    Ugh, that sounds JUST like me (especially the carrot cake part...that is by far my biggest weakness)! You would think we would want to reward ourselves with a new, smaller item of clothing or a pedicure or something, but no...it's food... For me, food is my drug and I am addicted...when I am sad, or stressed or bored or happy or want to celebrate something, I turn to food. I am trying to get out of that habit, especially the mindless eating out of boredom. I don't think we should completely deprive ourselves of the things we like to eat because then we will just over do it, it just needs to be in moderation... It's a challenge every day, but in the end I think reaching that goal weight and the way it will make you feel will be far more rewarding than all the carrot cake in the world... :smile: