
About me :
My name is bekah. This is my 2nd time being on mfp. The first time I went from 180 to 135. This time I am starting at 209.1.. so you're probably curious at to what happened.. I had some back,nerves and joint pain issues. But after 2 1/2 years of dealing with it I now am pain free and been given the go ahead to start exercising again.
My goal is to get back where I was, or somewhere around it.
I am diabetic, I do take insulin (for now), I do have depression, but I am taking everything 1 day at a time and striving to be the best me I can be.

I am 37 years old. I am married. I have 2 teenage autistic children. I lift weights and I do cardio. I do not have a paying job but I am the glue that holds everything together. I do most of the cleaning, most of the cooking and most of the caregiving.

I like to help motivate my friends, and I love to have people to talk to and be motivated. I have over 50 lbs to lose and get back in my healthy lifestyle.

Sorry for the long winded post.

I would love to be your friend.. if you are on here to be healthy.. I am NOT looking for a relationship, or to fool around.