Back after surgery

Im back and lets just say I did some damage. I am now focused on getting back to work after ACL surgery and need to lose the weight that I've gained back. Feel free to add me as a friend and lets tackle this monster together!


  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    You can do it. Stay focused and hold yourself accountable by logging everything you consume!
  • bbrthlsn
    bbrthlsn Posts: 1 Member
    I am facing a second ankle surgery Sept 28. I have to lose weight. In the mean time I am in a boot. So far the only thing that I can do for cardio exercise is my all terrain knee scooter. Other ideas? After this it is total non weight bearing for 8 weeks. I want to make this work!
    PHOTOCHAP Posts: 104 Member
    Ouch! Sounds painful but I reckon you're in the right place for any support or ideas. This community is flippin' ace!