Hey there!

How's it going folks?

I'm a 30 year-old male that got fat as a youngin' due to poor diet and vidya games. I became leaner as a teen due to sports, working in a warehouse part-time, and bicycling/walking/bus for transportation. I then got fat again as an adult due to sedentary living and empty calories (booze, junk food). I've had stints with different diets and exercise plans, but I've had trouble committing to goals in the long-term, mostly because I was pretty dependent on cannabis, which held me back in A LOT of ways. I'm not saying it's bad for everyone, but it definitely wasn't that great for my personal development.

Now, I'm past all that, and in the present I'm committed to burning off my fat and getting shredded as I head into my thirties. I plan to do this by eating at a deficit, with the majority of calories coming from vegetables and fruit, with some lean protein sources added in for lean-mass retention and gain. In addition, I'll be strength-training 3-5 times a week, mostly compound exercises with some accessory work, and some cardio work in the mix for my heart. I'm just under 257 (26% bf) right now, but I'd ultimately like to get down to around 210 (~10% bf).

On a personal note, I'm a big fan of the Seattle Seahawks and the NFL in general, I live in the Southern US, and I recently passed all four CPA exams (I gained 20 pounds while working on that goal over two years!). So, that's me. Give me a shout or friend me if I sound like someone you'd like to have in your MFP network. Cheers!

PS - In case you didn't know, my profile pic (for now) is Russell Wilson, future NFL and Super Bowl MVP and Hall of Fame quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks.


  • NewEffie
    NewEffie Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome! I can relate to your background, as I used share a lot of the same sentiments on lifestyle. Congrats on passing the CPA exams and your commitment to personal development. It sounds like you’re well on your way to great success!
    Please feel free to add me.