Back at it.

Back at it.. looking to make a real change this time. Not getting any younger and trying to make a lifestyle change. If anyone has any tips let me know.


  • ChristineRDN
    ChristineRDN Posts: 4 Member
    You got this!

    Here are some things that work for me:

    *try to only eat when you're physically hungry - when you feel emptiness or rumbling in your stomach

    *aim for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables most days (personally I get a little lazy with this on the weekends...) - 1 serving is a cup or the size of a baseball

    *try at least 2 new healthy recipes each month - it'll help keep you from getting stuck in a food rut

    *if you have a "junk food" craving that lasts more than 24 hours, satisfy it!

    *focus on eating foods that make you feel healthy and strong

    *don't stress! - your diet doesn't have to be perfect :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2018
    If you want to make a real change, stop trying and start doing, and stop looking for tips and start learning how things work (universally) and what modificatons you have to do to make them work for you (individually). Figure out what you need to do, and do that, and what you don't need to do, and skip that.

    (The tips above are great though :) )
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    @ashleysmithlynn welcome back my fellow Canuck you can add me if you wish