Aiming to be a healthy Mum

Here we go again! I started at 20st 11.5 lbs and my first goal is to get to 14st which I have done before. I'm currently 19st 9.25 lbs so I've made a start but have a long way to go. I want to be able to play with my daughter without getting puffed out and I want her to see me as a positive role model. PCOS and an underactive thyroid make it tricky but I am determined!


  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    Don't focus on the long journey ahead, just take it a day at a time making smart and healthy choices. You made the first important decision by taking control of your health. Stay focused and keep yourself accountable by tracking everything! Good luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    good luck!