need help with macros

Hey guys, I am trying to input my macros in this app and I can not get it right. I have tried messing with the numbers for days. I can get my carbs and proteins but not my fats! Here are my macros 180g carbs 129g proteins and 31g. Thank you!


  • kefowler3
    kefowler3 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, this is what the distrib would be:

    GRAMS per day
    Carb (36%): 180g
    Protein (26%): 130g
    Fats (38%): 84g
    based on a 2000 cal diet.

    When you are taking in that much protein, make sure you are drinking a TON of water to help your kidneys out and prevent kidney damage. Also, no matter what amount of protein you take in, if your body doesnt use it, it turns to fat to be stored for later use.
    Another tip is to not go too low with your carb intake because most of our involuntary bodily functions rely on carbohydrates. Low carb diets can also cause migraines and slowed brain function. Most nutritionists recommend that you have at least 40% of your cals from carbs.
    The following are recommended distributions:
    60/25/15 (High Carb)
    50/30/20 (Moderate)
    40/40/20 (Zone Diet)
    25/45/35 (Low Carb)