Weight not shifting?



  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member

    21 days is normal for a plateau. Also, if you happened to weigh yourself at the bottom end of your normal fluctuations, weight not dropping for well over a month can be very normal.

    Food scales are important. So many food packages are off, sometimes rather substantially if it's a calorie dense food. The more dense in calories a food is, the more important it is to weigh it. Example: peanut butter, a small amount off - 100 calories easily. Spinach leaves - off by a lot, not as big of a deal, 10 calories. No need to spend $100's on a food scale, the $20 digital one is perfectly fine.

    Why would you switch from a zero calorie drink, to a drink with calories? Other than the acidity on your teeth, there's nothing bad about having a few diet sodas.

    Go to the success stories, read the stories from people that have lost a lot of weight. Everyone there has 2 things in common: patience, and never quitting. People that have lost 100, 200 (a few over 300lbs) measure the time it took in years! It takes a lot of time to lose weight. Also, never quitting. No matter how long a plateau was, having bad days, weeks, even bad months was never a reason to quit.

    As long as you keep moving forward, you will get there. Be patient and give yourself time. You didn't gain the weight in a month, it's not coming off in a month.

  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    You have a lot of convenience foods which have a lot of carbs/sugar. Your body may do better with whole foods, rather than pre-packaged items. I'm the same way. If it's a quick thing - I'll grab a protein bar but I want to try to get better about that.

    Also, I truly agree about weighing EVERYTHING. You can't go by what the items say in MFP diary - even if you scan it in. Some people are not careful about their entries. And the weight could be wrong. For example, I love canned chicken and the can says there are 4 serving sizes for the whole thing. When in fact it's only 2.5 when you weigh it out! So it's less calories, which is a bonus but that isn't always the case. :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Water weight constantly fluctuates; the initial water weight drop happens, well, just once.

    You seem to be hung up on It's worked for me before, so I don't know why it isn't now! - let's try to explain. When you're heavier, you can lose easy and fast with little effort, because you have plenty of fat on your body. At a lower weight, with less fat, you can't lose as fast, and to keep losing, you have to be more vigilant so you still are in a calorie deficit. Hence the scale, so you stop the overestimating. If you eat back exercise calories too, you might be double-dipping, and switching from zero calorie drink to sugary(?) squash - presumably not accunted for - you're in reality triple- or quadruple-dipping calories.
    xarra wrote: »
    Any support? Because I'm feeling like throwing in the towel ATM...
    Well that is an attitude you have to work on if weightloss is your goal.