Up, Down, Up Down I'm just a Yo-Yo

No matter what I try, WW, Keto, Low carb, Hig Fat, Low fat, High Protein, it doesn't seem to work. The older I get the more difficult I find it to lose weight. I was watching what I was eating this week, and seemed to be losing some weight very slowly. Then today, up .8 again. It gets so frustrating.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom? I would love to take off 15 pounds. I see a small gain and I give up. I am thinking of re-starting WW again on Sunday.


  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    What they all said! Getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it are a lifetime's work! If you eata sensible amount of decent food you will be fine. Obviously it's not going to happen in a week. the
  • kiwiroz
    kiwiroz Posts: 57 Member
    Pick a way of eating that you can sustain for your whole life not just a couple of weeks. Do your best to eat to the calorie goal that MFP gives you. Weigh everything that goes in to your mouth that has calories. Be honest with your logging. Don't overestimate your calorie burn or underestimate your calories in. Commit for 4-6 weeks and use your data to tweak what you are doing. Welcome to MFP from a fellow yo-yoer in my case due to dishonest logging :blush:
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    So you want to lose 15lbs, but keep quitting if something doesn't work immediatly?

    First, you need some patience. Give a program at least a month to see results.

    Second, seriously. If you want to actually accomplish something, you can't give up with any percieved setback. Think about anything that you can do....can you drive stick? If yes, did you quit the first learning how to the first time you stalled out? No, because learning to drive a stick - stalling out happens.
  • Stellamom2018
    Stellamom2018 Posts: 120 Member
    I use a weight tracking app, and this has helped me a lot. I see the patterns with my weight fluctuations and when I see that I have always met my calorie goal but have an increase of any kind, I KNOW it will come off. I seem to stay right about the same and then gain 1-2lbs and within 2 days, I'll drop the gain and the 2lbs for the week. No idea why it happens, but that's my trend and I'm sticking to my calories. 25lbs down!
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Words of wisdom? How about long term sustainable weight loss requires long term sustainable commitment.