Hello again....

I'm here.... again.... and I thought I would introduce myself for a fresh new start.

Hello. My name is Ray. And I'm hoping to become an addict..... a gym addict, that is.

My mother strong-armed me to join the gym with her. She's having a full knee replacement in January and is trying to build up the muscles in her leg prior to the surgery, so she's doing water workouts. I finally went with her yesterday, and Holy Hannah am I excited to go back. I've actually never been this excited to go to the gym, so I think I finally found the workout style (as it were) that works for me.

I'm thinking about adding spinning to my repertoire and doing about 30 mins of spinning before an hour long lap session.

So since I've found what's made me excited, I thought I asked what you guys do to keep yourself motivated and excited? Maybe find a new friend or two while I'm at it. :smile:

Hope you guys have a great day!