I did it - 15k run!

Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
edited August 2018 in Fitness and Exercise
For you distance runners I know this isn't a huge deal but it's a big milestone for me! longest i've ever run and in a time I am quite happy with personally (1hr 45mins ish). And I felt ok at the end, my legs were sore but it wasn't a "ok i'm gonna drop down and not move an inch" afterwards. In fact a few hours later i'm still on a big of a high!

It was just a training run, doing anther 15km next Sunday, then scaling back to do a 10k race, and then a relaxed 10-13 in preperation of the race I am training for on the 23rd. the race actually two races, you run the 5k at 8am then the 10k at 8:45. So depending how fast and how close t the front i am for the 5k, i should have a bit of a break (10min?) to grab a snack and water and line up for the 10k. This training run was to prove to myself I can do it :)

The long runs are sorta sweet as it gives you enough calories for quite an indulgent meal :o


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well done!
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    Yay!!! Great job!!!
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Well done. And it IS a huge deal. Great job!
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    Wow that’s amazing! Great job!
    PHOTOCHAP Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in awe! When I press the "Run" button on screen at the gym and get going at 10kph it's just a matter of minutes before the screen becomes so blurred that I keep missing the "Walk" button so many times and I end up doing a whole 0.5k!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    Every time you reach a new milestone, it's a big deal. Congratulations.

    At your double race, be careful not to go out too fast with the 5k or you're going to really be struggling at the end of the 10k.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Congratulations!! That is a big deal!
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Great stuff! That's very impressive!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Congratulations! That's a terrific run!
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    thanks guys :)