Welcome New Members

I started on here in July, but I'm new to the community forum. I'm so happy to be here and I'm looking forward to joining the Challenge this Monday. I enjoy working out at the YMCA with my hubby and in classes. I was at my highest weight of 265 on July 3rd. Since then I've lost 17 pounds tracking and logging with diet and exercise. I wish everyone a successful week and much happiness!


  • Sab8484
    Sab8484 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on your loss! That’s awesome.

    My journey is just starting. I’m approx 130kg. (Going to get weight today). I’ve been tracking for 3 days now and have already learnt a lot about what I eat and things I need to change.

    I hope this week is a successful week for everyone 😊