Calories related to sleep not counted

I wanted to know that the calorie count just records calories eaten but not consumed including sleep etc. How are these accounted for in the app. Would be grateful if anyone can throw light. Regards..


  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
    Do you have a habit of sleep walking to the kitchen and eating at night or am I misunderstanding this...
  • DoubleUbea
    DoubleUbea Posts: 1,115 Member
    I don't understand the question. Depending on how you set up your profile, MFP gives you guidelines for daily calories you need to gain, maintain or lose weight. Based on your profile these are the calories needed to accomplish your goals. The calories it gives you are the calories you normally use during a 24 hour period.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Your calorie goal includes normal daily activities, including calories burned at rest. You should not log "exercise" calories for routine activity.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    edited August 2018
    The app only records the calories for the food you enter in your diary. Your calorie goal includes all the calories you would burn in 24 hours including sleeping and normal everyday activities.

    For instance, if your calorie goal is 2000 calories to lose 1 lb. a week, the goal includes everyday activities for the entire 24 hours. If you eat 2000 calories and record it in your diary every day, you will most likely lose around 1 lb. a week over time. Inaccuracies in entering the food in your diary can affect this number.

    edited for sentence structure