Ever heard of "Heavy Bones"?



  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I am big boned (like my father's side of the family). My natural ring size never goes below 8, I need 8" bracelets, I can carry an extra 5 pounds without anyone noticing, even when I am at my thinnest. My sister is small boned (like my mother) - her ring size is 5, she needs 6" or smaller bracelets, and if she puts on 5 lbs, it shows. My bone density is normal. I'm not tall 5'3", but I can never wear petite clothes, even when I am thin, because the proportion is wrong for me. That doesn't mean I am never overweight - of course I am now and that's why I want to lose 60 lbs.
  • MHarper522
    MHarper522 Posts: 108 Member
    Your frame will make you carry the weight differently, so you may appear "skinnier" then someone of the same relative size who has narrower shoulders/hips. It's not that your bones a heavier, just that your weight is distributed differently (sort of like being taller vs being shorter at the same weight, but instead of stretching vertically it's over your whole body, lol).

    Muscles will also affect your appearance too. If you look the same size as someone else, but you have more muscles than they do, you'll be heavier.

    I have wide shoulders, I'm tall and I've always been muscular, so when people guess my weight they often undershoot by a lot. Sadly, the weight is definitely there and it's not my bones.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    There are actually different size bones for the same height in people. I'm smaller boned then some women. I'm 5'5". My wrist when a size 6 would take a 6.75" bracelet while other women might need 7.5" just because their bones are bigger. It's what your conformation is.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    being overweight puts more work on your bones and they do become larger just to help carry the weight, but the stress of being overweight wears the down faster, so yes, you can be big boned, some races have heavier bones, but if you're overweight most likely your big boned as your body tries to compensate. https://news.ncsu.edu/2011/03/wms-ross-femur/
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    Everyone does have differently sized bones, but it has no bearing on the fat levels someone is carrying.
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