Hello folks

Restarting again. Just started performing ground exercises, need to try and figure out a proper diet plan.


  • gstaubs1
    gstaubs1 Posts: 200 Member
    I am eating low carb no bread or pasta unless it is the veggy kind. I am staying away from fast food and pizza etc. eating normal meals salad & a protein... supplementing with whey protein shakes and pistachio/fruit for snacks, and drinking water and black unsweetened tea. I have started eating more seafood instead of burgers and fries. Seems to be working for me. I should also add I am exercising daily running/walking 2-3 miles and lifting weights like 3 days a week. I am no fitness expert but I am losing weight and I feel great.
  • nancyvinci92
    nancyvinci92 Posts: 9 Member
    That's awesome :)