What is the next step?

Background - I am a 56-year old male. I am 6'1" tall, my primary form of exercise is Crossfit 3-4 times a week with some supplemental & additional weight work directed toward compound lifts.

From the late Spring into mid-Summer this year, I followed a template cut and reduced my weight from 214 to 198 lbs. Since then, I have maintained at 197-198 for almost 2 months. My primary goal is to reduce body fat - which was measured (Dexafit) in July at 24% (down from 28% in Nov '17). I'd like to get to <20%. My secondary goal is to build as much muscle, endurance and core strength as I can while I can.

Having maintained at this new weight, I am wondering what my next step should be. Should I take on another cut, trying to reduce my weight (and body fat) further while continuing my workouts, or should I increase my food intake and try to increase my PR's and workout intensity? Maybe I should just work on maintaining this weight through the holidays then make a decision in early '19. When I took on this 90-day cut, I really wanted to just get below 200 lbs as that had been a difficult barrier to cross for me. I crossed it and have held, at least so far, but I am uncertain where to go from here.

I have been trying and failing to get my weight down for so long I never really considered what the next step would be. I will appreciate and consider any ideas.