Long time MFP Person? Need a motivator to get fit?

This morning I was getting ready for work and I was thinking about how much easier losing weight is now. How much easier it is to get up, work out and

The point is if you're physically capable(mean no disrespect to anyone who has health issues), willing to put forth the effort-no matter how small you start, and make up your mind that you want it, you can do it! You truly can do anything you set your mind too. Today is the day.

I've been lifting weights and exercising seriously for 3 and 1/2 years and a My Fitness Pal user on and off for six or seven? Now when I buckle down and get my diet in check the weight falls off.

I have lost as much as 60 pounds using this site. Currently sitting up 20 pounds above my lowest but with quite a bit more muscle. Am going to drop another 10ish.

So let today be the day. Start to lift for the first time. Go light. Work on form. But start. Is today the day you finally go for a walk? Start running again? Try that exercise video you bought six months ago and haven't opened? Get your nutrition straight?

Carpe Diem!
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