What do u do to gain weight easy and fast ?

I'm having and underweight problem which cause my BMI pointed below ideal range. Can someone help me out on how to gain weight in healthy way and non-healthy, so that i can compare which one is more practicable . Thanks !


  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Weight gain comes down to eating in a caloric surplus. If you eat in a surplus with strength training, you'll gain some muscle with fat. Otherwise it'll be almost all fat. Beyond that, "healthy" vs "non-healthy" is subjective; people lose and gain weight eating a variety of foods everyday.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    To gain weight, you need to be in a calorie surplus...the size of that surplus will determine the speed at which you gain weight.

    If you have a difficult time eating high volume, the easiest way to create a calorie surplus is with dietary fat...cook with oils, butter, etc...eat nuts, avocados, nut butters, etc...full fat dressings, full fat dairy, etc.

    Alternatively you could drink a lot of beer.
  • zerocold961
    zerocold961 Posts: 17 Member
    Avoid the beer gut and just eat Burger King once or twice a week. you will gain weight so fast you won't be able to believe it. Remember to say yes to cheese and mayo.