Anyone do the Joe Cross Reboot

Has anyone done the reboot or is anyone interested in doing the reboot?


  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Isn't he the guy that touts a $400 a week worth of vegetable/fruit juicing? I watched his documentary once and he said it was about that for the amount of fruits/veg it took to make the juices. Bad idea, not to mention incredibly expensive.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I did it a few times. I don't advise it. That is really how I gained about 50 lbs. Had I not done a few juice fasts--and I actually ate fruits and vegetables too along with the juices, I would not have gained that weight. I lost weight quite fast doing the REBOOTS (2 week reboots). I don't know how much because at that time I didn't weigh myself, but it was pretty dramatic--people noticed. However, each time I went back to eating normally and gained it all back and then some. Once I tried to continue the juice/vegan eating but I got the flu and after I recovered went back to eating like I had been before--too many calories obviously.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    My husband and I attempted this a few years back. ...we lasted a day lmao. I am too much of a foodie to go to a juice only diet. Plus, the more I think about it the more unhealthy this concept seems. But to each their own - work it if it works, I guess.