Colonoscopy Prep

So I do my prep for my first colonoscopy tomorrow with the procedure on Thursday. I'm fascinated by the whole process. I'm wondering how much waste / water weight I'll lose (and gain back on Friday) and if I'll ask embarrassing questions during the procedure while partially sedated. Anyone want to share any interesting stories and/or hints/tips with me?


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Oh tip: drink all the clear fluids
    You will become dehydrated. Getting as much fluid in as you can is a necessity.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I lost over a half pound of actual weight. I did not feel like stuffing myself after it and even the next day I had a little less than normal appetite. Then it returned to normal the day after that. But only normal - not a ravenous appetite. I was still in loss mode then so I just took the loss and didn't try to make up for it. It's okay to have a really low calories day sometimes, just not frequently.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Bless you! Lol
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I have had a number of colonoscopies now. The prep isn't fun. My tip is to drink as much water as you can while doing the prep. Otherwise, you can end up dehydrated. Pooping clear liquid is definitely an interesting experience first time around.

    I have no idea of how much weight I lost because of the prep as I didn't even own scales before my last one. It will be interesting to read your results.

    I wouldn't worry about embarrassing questions while being partially sedated as there is not much time between when you have the medication and when you are out like a light. Besides, I am sure they have heard it all before. In saying that, they didn't quite give me enough anesthetic the first time around and, although I couldn't respond in any way I was aware of what was happening and saw the images on the screen and the camera progressed up my intestines. It was rather cool really.

    They also used to pump you full of air during the procedure which meant that you farted like no tomorrow afterwards but they don't do that any more, at least not my gastroenterologist.

    Good luck. I hope they don't find any nasties.
  • Silhouette199
    Silhouette199 Posts: 19 Member
    edited September 2018
    I just had one a week ago. I doubt if you'll say anything during the procedure, I was out like a light. The procedure is a piece of cake!
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited September 2018
    Well, reassuring that some people at least value his/her health enough to do what is right; can't say the same for my stubborn parents who are foregoing ruling out the possibility of colon cancer (just boggles my mind). There is NOTHING to be embarrassed about
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Well, reassuring that some people at least value his/her health enough to do what is right; can't say the same for my stubborn parents who are foregoing ruling out the possibility of colon cancer (just boggles my mind)

    Hey, I can't get my parents to get theirs either... odd when I've had so many. It's very frustrating.
  • john_not_typical
    john_not_typical Posts: 44 Member
    I’ve never had one but may get to do it soon due to other health issues I’m having even though I am not of that age. I used to design anesthesia equipment a long time ago and I can assure you that you don’t have to worry about saying anything you’d be embarrassed by and be able to remember it later. These people are professionals and I heard it all before anyway and will not embarrass you even if something happens. They want you to come back both for the good of your health and their practice.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I just had one a week ago. I doubt if you'll say anything during the procedure, I was out like a light. The procedure is a piece of cake!

    This exactly.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I have to get them every 5 years, and I've never had a bad experience (well, except for the prep). Just doing my bit to encourage people to stay current with the procedure - colon cancer is one of the most curable cancers if caught early.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Well, reassuring that some people at least value his/her health enough to do what is right; can't say the same for my stubborn parents who are foregoing ruling out the possibility of colon cancer (just boggles my mind). There is NOTHING to be embarrassed about

    My mum died of bowel cancer and I have had precancerous cells (and many polyps) so there is no way I'll take that risk. The slight discomfort and embarrassment of a colonoscopy are so much better than the alternative.
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    I had my first one a few months ago (female, age 40) to rule out some other issues. I gotta say, I had no issues with prep. It was a little weird but not painful like if you have diarrhea. Just more like - gotta go and it it comes out easy! Absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about! Docs are professionals and if anyone attempts to give you crap (lol) just tell ‘em it will be their turn soon enough!

    Funny thing was they told me I would be out of it when the anesthesia wore off but I remember everything from the sec I woke up and even took a work call on my way home. I did go through Mickey D’s and wolfed down two double cheeseburgers the second I was out, though!!
  • peggym4640
    peggym4640 Posts: 156 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    I have had a number of colonoscopies now. The prep isn't fun. My tip is to drink as much water as you can while doing the prep. Otherwise, you can end up dehydrated. Pooping clear liquid is definitely an interesting experience first time around.

    I have no idea of how much weight I lost because of the prep as I didn't even own scales before my last one. It will be interesting to read your results.

    I wouldn't worry about embarrassing questions while being partially sedated as there is not much time between when you have the medication and when you are out like a light. Besides, I am sure they have heard it all before. In saying that, they didn't quite give me enough anesthetic the first time around and, although I couldn't respond in any way I was aware of what was happening and saw the images on the screen and the camera progressed up my intestines. It was rather cool really.

    They also used to pump you full of air during the procedure which meant that you farted like no tomorrow afterwards but they don't do that any more, at least not my gastroenterologist.

    Good luck. I hope they don't find any nasties.

    I had this happen when I had a fibroid embolization several years ago. They finally put me all the way under because I kept asking questions and watching what they were doing on the screen. I envisioned being in the same state for the colonoscopy.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,071 Member
    peggym4640 wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    I have had a number of colonoscopies now. The prep isn't fun. My tip is to drink as much water as you can while doing the prep. Otherwise, you can end up dehydrated. Pooping clear liquid is definitely an interesting experience first time around.

    I have no idea of how much weight I lost because of the prep as I didn't even own scales before my last one. It will be interesting to read your results.

    I wouldn't worry about embarrassing questions while being partially sedated as there is not much time between when you have the medication and when you are out like a light. Besides, I am sure they have heard it all before. In saying that, they didn't quite give me enough anesthetic the first time around and, although I couldn't respond in any way I was aware of what was happening and saw the images on the screen and the camera progressed up my intestines. It was rather cool really.

    They also used to pump you full of air during the procedure which meant that you farted like no tomorrow afterwards but they don't do that any more, at least not my gastroenterologist.

    Good luck. I hope they don't find any nasties.

    I had this happen when I had a fibroid embolization several years ago. They finally put me all the way under because I kept asking questions and watching what they were doing on the screen. I envisioned being in the same state for the colonoscopy.

    That seems like medical malpractice -- if you weren't in discomfort or pain and weren't agitated/moving, putting you all the way under was for their convenience and ensuring you didn't see if they did anything wrong, not for your medical benefit.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I get them every 5 years. The prep I like best is the Miralax/Gatorade combo.
    I don’t believe I’ve ever talked during the procedure, I’m always out almost immediately.
    Afterwards, I feel fine.
  • peggym4640
    peggym4640 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks for the feedback and info. You all are the best!!! <3
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    peggym4640 wrote: »
    So I do my prep for my first colonoscopy tomorrow with the procedure on Thursday. I'm fascinated by the whole process. I'm wondering how much waste / water weight I'll lose (and gain back on Friday) and if I'll ask embarrassing questions during the procedure while partially sedated. Anyone want to share any interesting stories and/or hints/tips with me?

    I've had two. I was awake the whole time. The docs were surprised when I joined their conversation about Harry Potter at Disneyland.

    My second one I added coconut water as one of the liquids. THAT was a good thing, given that I don't drink sodas.
    Good luck!
  • arrghmatey1
    arrghmatey1 Posts: 91 Member
    Do not make any alien abduction jokes. Seriously it would be bad .... Just saying' ... from personal experience.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Awesome Sabine, coconut water is a great idea for my next time. I, too, have had two colonscopies. The prep part is the worst.