Continued Rest for the Knees

Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
edited September 2018 in Fitness and Exercise
Nothing concrete from Physio appointment other than realizing how tight my hips and thighs are as he assessed various things. Best we can tell it's just overuse (too much mileage) and some tband issues on the left likely. My symptoms are a bit odd (tingly/heavy normally related to nerve issues but not signs of that otherwise). Nothing seems broken or swollen or off.

So continued rest until they feel completely normal walking then I can slowly try SHORT test run and see (since pain isn't WHEN I run i need to do short 2k then see what happens). There is finally SOME improvement on the knees but I still feel them walking so we're still awhile out. If no better (walking) in a week or so I'll go back for more testing.

Clearly not running my race this weekend (10K). The race on the 23rd was actually TWO races (the 5k then the 10k) so I've written off doing a full 15 but realized I might well be fine for the 5k by then. I could possibly discuss walking the 10k but that would take a long time :pensive:

So for now I walk. I wait for that to be better. then test run. if that goes well, i can slowly move to a run every second day building up to my regular 5 runs a week (of only 4-5k). Once that is solid i can look to increase distance again. we can't know how long all this will take. He DID mention that the goal is for me to get back into running as soon as it's safe as to not loose too much of the fitness i've built up.

My "new" distance goal will be 10k again (not sure to what point I need to start that goal from scratch? will talk to physio when I get there). Any longer distance I will hold off as I don't need to do more (other than it was fun and I could eat a ton but I can hold off on that for 3-4 months until I'm solid with previous schedule of four 5k runs and one 5-10k run a week).

My last run was Thursday, feels like forever ago ;)

back at the office this week so sitting at office chair may throw some wrenches into progress...


  • kristingjertsen
    kristingjertsen Posts: 239 Member
    Take a standing break from your chair several times per hour.You might want to do some walking and stretching too.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited September 2018
    I still walk. not sure if I was walking too much to be considered "rest" but i went down to half my normal steps (maybe a touch more). I would average 18,000-20,000 per day before, went down to 9,000-10,000 since my knees were bugging me. Slow, meandering steps. Physio said walking was ok as long as it didn't make it worse. but not sure if i have to try lower and see if that helps more...

    I was afraid to stretch until i saw the physio, he showed me a few stretches and I do other ones (upper back and neck) since them and will continue to do so.

    i'll make sure to stand up!
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Welcome to the world of having experienced some variation of having to temporarily (or permanently) stop doing sports/exercise/really anything involving your knee(s) because of knee issues! It's not fun at all, but all things considered it sounds like you'll be back to baseline relatively quickly.

    I'm glad to hear that the PT is on the same page as you are in terms of getting back to running and doing so safely. If you're concerned about how much is too much, in terms of walking, don't hesitate to ask. It's better to ask and be told to walk less than to not and prolong your recovery.