Healthy sub for Premier Protein shakes/Atkins Protein shakes

I have Reactive Hypoglycemia so instead of ingesting sugar to bring my sugar up I need a hit of protein. I am looking for a healthy sub for protein shakes that I can carry in my bag as I never really know when I will need it. Preferably something that doesn't need to be cold. It must be low sugar and low carb. Anybody have any suggestions? Though the thought makes me gag a little, I looked up jerky and it fills all those requirements---just not real sure if it is healthy. Suggestions?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    "Healthy" is a subjective term and is going to be heavily reliant on the context of the rest of your diet. Many people in your situation would find jerky to be a good solution, but I don't know if the particulars of your situation would make it an unhealthy choice *for you*. Do you have specific concerns about it?
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    Nuts? Low carb protein bar? I don’t see protein powder as unhealthy, especially if it’s a quick fix for your hypoglycemia.
  • DonnaNC2022
    DonnaNC2022 Posts: 8 Member
    The only problem I have with jerky is my own personal squeamishness. I think there is some that is healthier than others. I just don't know that I am desperate yet.

    I bought some Atkins bars yesterday to try. They seemed to contain less chemicals than the drinks I have been having, but are a lower hit of protein. Trial and error. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Tuna or salmon in a pouch? (It's pricey that way, but I wouldn't think you would want a whole can, and if it's only for emergencies, assuming those aren't frequent, the price hopefully isn't that much of an issue.)

    Have you looked to see if any nuts are low enough carb for you?

    It would help with making suggestions if you were specific -- how many grams of protein (lower limit) do you need to recover from these hypoglycemic episodes, and what's the maximum amount of carbs you can tolerate (or a protein to carbs ratio, if you have that number)?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Half a protein bar. A pack of nuts. Muscle Milk.


    You choose how much protein you put in. Whey protein is fast acting, casein slow acting.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Put a couple scoops of a whey isolate into a Ziplock. I recommend Isopure. It's lower in carbs than a regular whey.