Looking for more active friends to help support eachother.

Hi, my name is Savanna. I’m 25, will be 26 at the end of October. I’m currently 202 at 5’3” and looking to lose another 60 pounds (down 15 already! Woohoo!) but I would like to add some more friends on here that post. It doesn’t always have to be about diet or workout related things though I do like seeing people make progress. I just feel like things are a lot more fun and easier to stay on track if you develope relationships with other people that also have goals. I don’t care if you’re looking to gain, lose, or maintain. Just want to cheer people on and be cheered on as well.


  • ashhope94
    ashhope94 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! My names Ashley and I'm 23. Would love to be friends, we could all use another cheerleader and someone to talk to when things get tough. I've lost 36 lbs so far this year but I've been yo-yoing like crazy lately so I just started to crack down on tracking. Hoping to incorporate some gym time as well. :)
  • analisse4536
    analisse4536 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Savanna! My name is Analisse and cheering on my friends has motivated me so much to keep going through with this lifestyle change. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I would be happy for to share our journeys :)