How did you quit soda?

I'm definitely an emotional eater and when I'm stressed at work or home soda is like my go to stress reliever. I've quit drinking soda in the past when I was pregnant but I had a different reason to then. Anyone have any tips or advice on how to kick the habit?


  • dianeturner88
    dianeturner88 Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2018
    SabrinaJ89 wrote: »
    I'm definitely an emotional eater and when I'm stressed at work or home soda is like my go to stress reliever. I've quit drinking soda in the past when I was pregnant but I had a different reason to then. Anyone have any tips or advice on how to kick the habit?

    I stopped by going to carbonated water. For me the fizzy water is all I need not the diet sodas. Eventually bought a soda stream to make my own.
  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    BTW why did you quite soda when pregnant?
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    Diet Root Beer is my go to these days.
  • corysmithsmail
    corysmithsmail Posts: 166 Member
    I quit regular soda one day at a time. Dr. Pepper may as well have been running in my veins. And don't even mention Barqs Root Beer to me, because my nose would start twitching, my arms itching, possibly some drooling. lol

    But now I'll have the occasional Coke-No Sugar (IDK if that's the same or just a different label than Diet Coke) and that satisfies the urge. Why don't they make a Dr. Pepper zero? The Diet Dr. Pepper doesn't taste the same...but Coke-No Sugar tastes pretty close to the real thing to me.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    after 2lter daily for over 20 years. I quit cold turkey. but now occasionally have a soda..maybe once a month or so. It was hard but worth it. I simply quit buying it so It was not there to grab. I would have a cup of coffee if the caffeine itch got to bad....
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I just switched to diet. It wasn't as good at first but I got used to it, and now I prefer it. I can't drink regular soda anymore.
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    Any time I quit something, whether cigarettes or soda, it is cold turkey. After abstaining for a while, I don't have the desire for it anymore. Now on the very rare occasion when I have a sip of soda, it tastes so syrupy sweet I can't even enjoy it.
  • bigguyreed
    bigguyreed Posts: 64 Member
    I just quit drinking it, I started drinking flavored water. Then I went to just water, drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and then water.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I switched to diet soda and currently drink it as a treat but mostly drink seltzer or still water.

    OP, is it the caffeine that gives you that lift?

    For anyone who chooses to reduce their soda intake, if it is caffeinated you need to taper off slowly (which is where the diet version of the same type can come in handy if you are also trying to lose weight) or go cold turkey when you are in a position to deal with the excessive sleepiness and/or headaches caffeine withdrawal can cause.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I didn't. I just switched to diet soda.
  • JenRlcks
    JenRlcks Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I quit soda about 6 years ago. The carbonation always seemed to bloat me, and I just decided to stop.

    Mind you, I drank diet Mt. Dew all day long and still felt exhausted all the time.

    Since today I have drink water, ice tea and coffee and iced coffee, with an occasional chai tea as a treat.

    Do you want to stop soda? find something that you enjoy just as much.

    When I first quit I started to drink those carbonated flavored waters you can find in Most water aisles. having the flavor really helped me.