How did you quit soda?



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    About the same time I started tracking calories I also spent a good deal of time travelling overseas. When you do this going from the US to anywhere else you don't notice it as much, but there's much less sugar used in food and drinks. Traveling the other direction people often note how much sweeter and saltier food and drinks are. This doesn't impact calorie count as much, but it does influence appetite and satiety.

    A very effective tool is to "reset your sweet" and go off sweets for a few weeks and then reintroduce salt/sweet carefully. I went off soda initially simply due to the calorie count and switched to diet, seltzer, or water. Now in maintenance and put my goals to performance I eat/drink everything, but just ensure I hold to my caloric budget.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    I quit drinking 2L a day every day about 10 years ago. I just decided to stop buying it. I still have an occasional Coke once in a while if I'm out eating in a restaurant but I find now that I don't even really like it very much. I found after the first week the cravings stopped, sort of like quitting smoking it was the habit I needed to change.