Someone pinch me

I started my lower calorie lifestyle 26 days ago. I had a good 30 lbs to loose after having a baby in January. I am eating 1480 calories a day but most days it’s more like 1200-1480. I am also doing intermittent fasting from 6pm-10:30am. I don’t feel even an ounce deprived. I have been making Mexican, Chinese, Italian, subs, desserts, you name it! I’ve been super meticulous about measuring everything out and not cheating myself at all. I have even eaten out a couple times, though it was Subway. I haven’t been able to get to the gym more than 1-2 times a week because I’m very busy with 3 kids, 3 and under. To add to that, I am 40 years old. All that to say....I have lost 11.6 pounds so far! Whaaaaat??? I couldn’t believe it when I stepped on the scale and it read 163.4. My goal is 145 lbs. Is this a dream or what because all I read before embarking on my journey to get to pre-3 back to back pregnancies weight is that it’s hard to lose after 40. I don’t want to jinx myself into a plateau but whatever this is, I’m so happy some of my long lost clothes fit me again! I was feeling so down on myself thinking my post baby body was just going to be my new norm. Someone pinch me just to make sure this is really happening!


  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    Good for you and your progress. You apparently are eating in a calorie deficit, so yes, you are losing weight. Those of us that have done this a while are not/will not be surprised.

    Just be prepared though... 11.6lbs in 26 days is avg 3.13lbs per week, that rate of loss will level off over the next couple of weeks. Depending on the deficit you're in, it generally falls between .5 and 2lbs per week. Over the past 26 days probably half to 2/3 of that weight is water weight that you've lost, but that's good too!

    So keep it up, log meticulously as you've been and stay focused. You're doing good.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You're off to a great start, well done :smile: and it sounds like you are going about it in a great way this time round. As others have said, be prepared for loss to slow down, but keep going! well done :smiley:
  • Beeingthin
    Beeingthin Posts: 40 Member
    Good for you and your progress. You apparently are eating in a calorie deficit, so yes, you are losing weight. Those of us that have done this a while are not/will not be surprised.

    Just be prepared though... 11.6lbs in 26 days is avg 3.13lbs per week, that rate of loss will level off over the next couple of weeks. Depending on the deficit you're in, it generally falls between .5 and 2lbs per week. Over the past 26 days probably half to 2/3 of that weight is water weight that you've lost, but that's good too!

    So keep it up, log meticulously as you've been and stay focused. You're doing good.

    Thank you! From my research, I did figure that a good portion of the weight loss was water weight but to see the initial large loss is the best motivator to keep on track. I’m just happy something is happening and I feel like it’s taking no effort at all. I want to be back to feeling like myself and not hating the warm weather.
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I would like to add that if you are breastfeeding, be careful not to eat too few calories as it may affect your supply. Other than that, congrats on your loss so far!
  • Beeingthin
    Beeingthin Posts: 40 Member
    I would like to add that if you are breastfeeding, be careful not to eat too few calories as it may affect your supply. Other than that, congrats on your loss so far!

    I stopped breastfeedkng 5 months ago. Too hard to keep up cluster feedings with 2 toddlers demanding constant attention! But yes, this is mostly why I never lost weight from the first baby on. I was either trying to keep up supply or pregnant.