Drinking on a diet



  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    You’re hanging out with, basically, college kids. It’s no wonder they’re still in the boozing/partying mode.

    My 20s were a mix of boozing, parties, college graduations, graduate school, nervous breakdowns, existential crises... needless to say I don’t miss that decade much. Lol

    Me either honestly. I’m only 26 but jeez they do not understand how different 26 and 22 are. I cannot drink that much anymore. That’s why as much as I love them I don’t hang out there much. And I do love them obviously, but they’re definitely friends of circumstance. I work at the same company as 3 of them (actually started the same day as the one I first befriended. She’s my manager. Other friend I work with just started!) and 2 of them are dating and all 3 live the building behind me in my complex lol unfortunately I work a job that usually consists of younger people because it’s retail and working second shift, not driving, and the fact that I love being a homebody doesn’t really make for a great mix of meeting people my own age 😂

    Lol! Ok that all makes more sense. I was a little curious why all of your friends were younger than you! 😆
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    sooo, you can have fun without drinking booze, you can ahve fun drinking a little booze.

    just because they wanna get smashed dont mean you have to, have a couple and then stop.
    your friends you cant force you to keep drinking, so when you have had what you want move on to a low cal/0 cal drink, wether that be water, black coffee, or diet soda.

    you keep saying your 26 like your a million years older than them, your not but if you feel it be an adult and say when you have had enough to drink
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I just tell my friends I don't feel like drinking and they don't push it because they respect my choices.

    If I feel like drinking, I usually have gin and diet tonic, vodka tonic lime, or rum and diet coke. Often I alternate between just diet coke and one with rum. Bonus is I'm rarely hungover.

    Getting drunk lowers my inhibitions so I usually binge on food as well, so it's just not worth it to me.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I mean I get the dilemma, it's boring being sober around drunk people. There's no magic answer though, OP.
  • scaye103092
    scaye103092 Posts: 48 Member

    hangs out Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and sometimes Wednesdays.

    omg how do you all get anything done?? :D

    Oh trust me I go over Friday’s, that’s it unless there’s a birthday lol I work Thursday-Monday 3-1030 every night and I am not trying to get out of work, get home, change and go right back out. I looooove Netflix 😂