Words of wisdom?


My diet is extremely fattening and very unhealthy. I'm in the process of changing it to a more human-friendly consumption. Over the last week, I've stuck really well to my calories intake. I'm still eating the same foods, just smaller portions, healthier versions, cutting out the complete junk. I have an active job as a carer running around after 10 residents however exercise very little, bar cycling to work.

I'm not following my Macros, as I've read that they're only really there for sculpting your body and specific body-building diets ECT. I just want to lose weight, nothing that specific yet!

However, I've noticed some consistencies. My protein is always plenty filled, I sometimes eat double my recommended protein. My fibre consumption is around half of what it should be and I consume around a quarter of the salt intake without trying. Which, if any, of these do I need to worry about? Is there anything seriously wrong with those numbers?

I'm aware that my diet is still fairly unhealthy.Small changes, I know life would be better If I ate fruit and veg like anything, and worked out every day but that's just too much right now. All I'm wondering is if my macros are an indicator of anything serious and what the side effects may be?

Please feel free to browse my diary, ask questions, ECT. Would really appreciate any kind of response to this, macros are way over my head and would like some clarification!


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    So far, it looks like you're on your way. You seem to know where your problem areas are with foods. For a beginner, hitting your calorie goal is #1. Think of your calorie goal as the finish line and get as close to it as possible.
    As for the macros, what I have seen amongst posters on the forum (myself included), always try to eat over your protein and fiber. These 2 macros will help you feel fuller and for longer. Try to meet your fat goal too. I'm usually a bit under on fat, but not purposely. For Carbs and Sodium, try to stay under those. And Sugar... ignore it, because MFP's idea of sugar intake is ridiculously low and you can go over with just a single piece of fruit.

    Once you're in your calorie goal, it becomes easier to manage your macros, in my opinion.

    Good luck! :)
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Hi, first I'm not professional at this but, I think you should calculate the # of calories you should be eating per day. There are several ways to do it. I just use MFP because it was the closest to what my Dr recommended.
    I believe if your Lifestyle change ( this isn't a diet) is gonna work, you should consume lots of Lean meats, Mainly fish and chicken, sometimes I add lean beef. I have about 40 -50% protein and 30-35% complex carbs and the rest fat every day. I have done this for almost 16 months and it has worked for me.'
    I eat every three hours. Hungry or not!! I love protein shakes because of the huge amounts of protein in them.
    I exercise4-6 days a week for an hour at a time. ( I'm down now because of surgery.(that's driving me nuts!!)
    Something else I believe is a must is Water & plenty of it!! I drink at least 100 oz a day!
    Not everything works for the same person, so ck your sugar and sodium intake. I have also found weighing food helps!! it is very easy to miscalculate the ounces in food. I would cut out process foods too a lot of salt in them!!
    Make junk food a treat, not a daily thing. Soon you will not want it as much. I love greek yogurt, Very sweet & filling!!
    As far as your carbs go, use complex carbs and use them early in the day so that you can burn them off.
    Hope this helps. It has worked for me!!
  • Thanks, both responses are both super helpful. I was just a bit alarmed by how much I was over-stepping or going under my macros by! It's difficult enough going through the transition of anything I want, whenever I want it to a set amount of calories. Couldn't be dealing with breaking it down further!

    Changed my salt intake to fibre. My salt has always been super low so deleted that and replaced with fibre, which I'm not getting enough of! Off to go google high-fibre gods, glad nothing in my diary is too horrifying in terms of macros.
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    If you're just wanting to lose weight, it's all about calories in vs. calories out. Macros are more for health, & like you said, physique, etc. I honestly only concentrate on calories right now, one day I may work on macros for overall health. You look like you're doing great so far! Good luck on your journey! :)
  • ijohn001
    ijohn001 Posts: 166
    As for the macros, what I have seen among posters on the forum (myself included), always try to eat over your protein and fiber. These 2 macros will help you feel fuller and for longer. Try to meet your fat goal too. I'm usually a bit under on fat, but not purposely. For Carbs and Sodium, try to stay under those. And Sugar... ignore it, because MFP's idea of sugar intake is ridiculously low and you can go over with just a single piece of fruit.

    Once you're in your calorie goal, it becomes easier to manage your macros, in my opinion.

    Good luck! :)

    I believe this is really good advice. For fiber, once i discovered that i wasn't getting any in my diet... and i mean i wasn't getting any... smack ZERO (0)!!! I went out and bought some Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal. plenty of fiber and protein in it.... and it tastes great, too (sorry if this sounds like a commercial). But, I have no trouble reaching my protein or my fiber levels now.... just one word of caution... when you start taking in additional fiber... i know with me, it made me gassy (sorry to be so blunt)... for about the first 4-6 days. After that... it seemed that my body adjusted to it fine.

    So, to lose weight... it's all about calorie deficit.... burn more than you take in... that's the simple rule. So, calorie count is very important, yes. But, there is a balance. If your calories get too low, then your body (which is geniously created) will begin to hold onto everything... basically, thinking that you're trying to starve it death. So, you need to have your TDEE calculated (total daily energy expenditure) and then eat below that by about a 15-20% reduction. Not a good idea to go below that.
