


  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    You are massively undereating, and this will not go well for you.

    There's great advice in these replies so I strongly suggest you take it onboard.
  • JewlzJerome
    JewlzJerome Posts: 3 Member
    Focus on eating more calories, but also, while in ketosis you'll need to increase your electrolyte intake. You simply can not take in enough nutrients and electrolytes eating that small of an amount day after day.

    Keto electrolytes ranges:
    Sodium = 3500-5000 mg
    Potassium = 1000-3500 mg
    Magnesium = 300-500 mg
    Calcium = 1000-1200 mg

    Electrolyte imbalances can cause weakness on the low end and heart palpitations on the high end.

    I recommend adding chicken broth and V8 for sodium and potassium. I've been in ketosis for over 8 months and still drink 2 cups Kitchen Basics chicken stock and one low sodium V8 5.5 oz every day. Both of course have sodium (820 mg per 2 cup and 95 mg per 5.5 oz) but also have high amounts of potassium (840 mg per 2 cup and 700 mg per 5.5 oz) and both are low calorie.

    A 3.5 oz avacado is a great addition to add calories, potassium and magnesium.
    Calories: 160 kcal
    Potassium: 485 mg
    Magnesium: 29 mg
    Net Carb: 2

    You can also add in a 1 oz serving of nuts to increase your calories without a lot of bulk since you're not feeling hungry.

    Pecan: 1 oz
    Calories: 196 kcal
    Potassium: 116 mg
    Magnesium: 34 mg
    Net Carb: 1.2

    You said you just don't feel hungry but if you can add in an additional couple of calorie dense foods items daily your body will come out of starvation mode and you'll start to feel much, much better. Focus on balancing your electrolytes and making sure you're getting the amount of calories your body requires to stay out of starvation mode.

    Depending on your height, weight and activity level your minimum caloric intake is going to be somewhere between 1200 to 1400 kcal daily typically. Going below that isn't going to help you reach long term success and your body will start to eat your muscles because it doesn't have enough food.