Hoping to loose another 70lb before the big 4-0, looking for friends to add for support

Hello 🙋‍♀️
Managed to loose 70lb 10 years ago with weight watchers following the birth of my twins and become quite fit with attending various HITT and dance classes but over the years due to work and family commitments I’ve put all the weight back on and more 🤦‍♀️ plus I’m so unfit at the moment.
Just did 4 weeks of a VLCD - exante - and realised it wasn’t going to work with my family, work and want to improve my fitness. Just started it as going to NYC on holiday in 4 weeks so wanted to loose a few stones before we went and so far managed to get of 21lb. Started to become so dizzy with just 600-800 cals whilst exercising so decided to do calorie deficit using MFP.
I’m about to enter the last year of my thirties so my goal before hitting the big 4-0 is to be down to a comfortable size (Even being a health professional I despise the BMI, so outdated!) and 🤞🏻 get fit!
Please add me if you think we have similar goals or just that we could offer each other support 😉 thanks.


  • PlacidVisions
    PlacidVisions Posts: 7 Member
    There is a change in health while in your 40's. Stay on top of it with diet and exercise. We determine the quality of our lives.
  • PenelopeMc27
    PenelopeMc27 Posts: 2 Member
    ZenCloud99 wrote: »
    There is a change in health while in your 40's. Stay on top of it with diet and exercise. We determine the quality of our lives.

    Thanks, yep I know things change 😨 that’s why I know I need to get my weight and fitness sorted and on track before I enter my forties 👍🏻