What is your favorite distraction?



  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    * Working ... Knowing my commission is enough motivation to keep me distracted for hours ... Days.
    * Recalculating Workouts: Diet@deficit: Duration:Time management
    * Strategy games
    * Meditation and 2hrs 40 mins prayers daily.
    * Wondering through the orchards for a run, hike or orange picking.
    * Tennis & beach volleyball & sprints with my sister.
    * Lazy stroll to the waterfall
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Video games. I HATE crumbs, oil, and fingerprints anywhere near my electronic devices, so I never snack when I play, and if the game is engaging, time just flies.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member

    Life in general ... it's so busy there are times I forget to eat. Like this morning. I had a snack last night about 11 pm ... then didn't eat again till 1:30 pm. Just too much to do ... didn't even think of it. And I made a dash through a grocery store in that time looking for a particular laundry detergent.

    Household paperwork
    Caring for my husband

  • kimothyschma
    kimothyschma Posts: 209 Member
    edited September 2018
    Creative writing – keeps brain and fingers busy
    Note taking – writing long hand on any subject that interests me
    Cleaning – it's not fun, but I cant think about eating when I smell that cleaner smell
  • BlessedMom70
    BlessedMom70 Posts: 124 Member
    Sitting outside in the sun. It's one of the few times I don't feel the need to snack! ;)
  • joaniebalonie088
    joaniebalonie088 Posts: 93 Member
    It sounds tongue-in-cheek, but exercise is my best distraction!

    If I go home right after work, I have some downtime before I have to cook dinner and do other chores. Working out fills that idle time where I’d be most tempted to snack!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Thankfully I've got 2 kids so I don't have much time for being bored :D
  • CNG24
    CNG24 Posts: 432 Member
    Crocheting, chatting with people, watching movies/shows, working out, bullet journaling, writing...etc.
  • wmweeza
    wmweeza Posts: 319 Member
    For me only two things completely distract me; Going out (either shopping or just sightseeing type stuff) or watching TV. Many say watching TV is a trigger for overeating, for me it's the opposite
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    wmweeza wrote: »
    For me only two things completely distract me; Going out (either shopping or just sightseeing type stuff) or watching TV. Many say watching TV is a trigger for overeating, for me it's the opposite

    I am one of those who, when i settle down with the TV or a book, I feel like I need snacks. It is definitely a Pavlov's dog thing. Distracting my hands by crocheting (OK, can't do THAT and read a book at the same time) seems to keep me away from snacking. I am better with a book than TV because I have something in my hands. I am satisfied with just having some kind of beverage (including water).