Slimming firming and building toning

I’m 5’8” and currently 168lb. I felt I looked best at 155 but at 150 I started to look too boney for my body type. I stuck with a diet of 1,200 to 1,800 cal/day working out 5 days/week with HIIT, barre, dance, and body pump, and power yoga classes and on days I’d miss the gym I’d do 5-10lb high rep squats, lunges, etc. I looked good but being pescatarian/vegan, my energy tanked with the lack of protein. Sulfur intolerance makes eating protein a real challenge A couple years later and almost 15lbs over my ideal I’m getting back into my routine but want to do it right this time. My goal is to have nicely defined muscles, strength and endurance as well as feel like I’m not starving 24/7. I keep hearing I need to eat more to build muscle and less to lose fat. I’m not lifting heavier than 10lbs. Mostly lighter high reps and body weight exercises.
My question is mostly am I doing it right as far as gaining definition? I’m getting back to eating 1300-1600 and my HRV says I burn 2,500/day. Am I eating enough? too much? and do i need to lift heavier? Not wanting to bulk too much, just define and enhance by letting go of the top layer of flub.