Going good

Im in. First round.

SW 99kg

-8000 steps everyday
-record my eating
-follow my easy exercise plan
-do this each day
*added* -drink 2l water each day

9/05- 99kg. 9000 steps. Didnt do well with recording my eating. Had a hard day mentally.

9/06- 98.8kg. 6000 steps. Sick kids that just wanted to cuddle me all day so sat on my butt. But I managed to record my food today so thats good. Thinking of adding water goal too. I hurt my self a few days ago and after sitting all day my back hurts heaps so def gotta do a workout or walk tomorrow to counter the back pain.

9/07- 98kgs. This is the lowest I have been in months no matter how hard I try to loose weight. Busy morning. Did some cardio. But only 6000 steps as I had 2 sick kids that just wanted to cuddle all day.

9/08- 98.2kgs
Fitbit was charging so dont know steps but I would have hit goal as I did alot out and about. Eating and drinking were not the best mainly cause I felt crook

9/09- 98.2kgs
Crook today so not much of anything happened. But did do some baking with my children.

9/10- 98.6kgs
First day of my new exercise plan. Done and dusted. Water consumption good. Lots of bloating due to being a female (hahaha). Food consumption good. Recorded well.
