Does this look right?



  • competeagain
    competeagain Posts: 770 Member
    Eat more
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    You should be eating your MFP calorie goal PLUS some of your exercise calories. So you are undereating. Being a little under every once and awhile is fine. Being way under all the time is asking for trouble.

    If you have been eating that low for several weeks and are not losing weight, chances are there is something off with your logging.

    Weight loss isn't linear and doesn't immediately respond to what you do. You can't assume because you lost 1 lb overnight that it is because of something you did yesterday. Your body is constantly digesting food, repairing cells, burning fat, repairing muscle - there is no way to link one specific day or workout or meal to another day's scale reading. You need to log accurately and consistently for 6-8 weeks to really see how your progress lines up with your efforts.

    When you get a chance, read the Most Helpful Posts thread pinned to the top of each forum, tons of great info there.