Take a Peek....Please :)

So I am a year into my journey and I have lost 90 lbs approximately. MFP sets my net at 1520 calories daily and on most days I net less than that unless I have an off day. My calculated BMR is 1799 sedentary and 2134 active. The problem is I have moved zero weight in the last month so something must be off. I am very careful about calorie counting, sometimes measuring portions and have an Polar FT4 HRM (As of 3 weeks ago) to get a more accurate count of my calorie burn. I workout 4-5 times a week dependent upon how busy my weeks are. I do cardio and weights at the gym (average burn 550-600) and Melissa Bender at home (average burn 300-450). My diary is open for all to see. I am curious as to what you think is happening....I am gaining muscle and toning up a bunch so perhaps that could be a factor....Open to all comments!


  • Lisalisaw4
    Lisalisaw4 Posts: 27 Member
    Looking at your diary I would recommend taking a look at the website IIFYM....if you read most posts here on MFP the macros are not the best case scenario for weightloss. Perhaps a switch up in your macros would help break your plateau. MFP is much higher in carbs than a lot of diet specialist would recommend particularly with as much working out as you do. I personally stick to around 40%protein, 30% fat and 30% carbs. Seems like with as much excercise as you do and your calorie intake you should be losing. Hope this helps, and good luck :)
  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you so much Lisa! I am at a loss as to what is happening. Literally the first 90 lbs came off fairly easy. I will look into what you mentioned!
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I am in the same boat. I lost thirty pounds on 1500 cal at a rate of 1 or 1 1/2 pounds a week for 5 months or so. I was so happy, I thought this will not be bad at all. Then in June the weight loss came to an end. For the month of June and July, I have lost ONE pound. So recently I have started increasing my calories and reducing my exercise. Hopefully without gaining. So far so good. I ate 1700 for a week and now I am doing 1800. Then after another week or two, I plan to drop the calories back down and increase the cardio. I am hoping that will result in weight loss again. If it does, then I plan to do this every six weeks or so to try and avoid another plateau. Dieting and exercise with no results is the pits.
  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    Anyone with any other ideas?