CLA + CARNITINE. Do they really work?

I went to nutrition store and the salesperson told me to take CLA+CARNITINE for fat loss and to improve lean muslce. Need some guidance regarding the benefit and disadvantage. Do these product really work?. Have anyone of you used it and found some difference?


  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Per, CLA has no observed effect on increasing fat loss, studies showing a minor impact to retaining lean muscle mass in obese individuals during weight loss and minor impact to increasing triglycerides.

    For L-Carnitine, there is even more research done on a variety of topics. Specifically for fat loss, there have been minor positive impacts observed for elderly individuals but no notable effects on younger, otherwise healthy individuals in limited studies.

    Studies aside, by definition the salesperson at the store has a job to sell you stuff, regardless of whether it works or not. Pretty sure I've tried both at some point before I really started digging into the legitimacy of the "effects" but can't say for sure, hard to keep track at this point. Ultimately, I wouldn't bother but I'd encourage you to check out the links to read and decide for yourself. Examine is worth bookmarking too, I've yet to find something I was investigating that they didn't show results for.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Calorie deficits work
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Let me just pop this here.