Reset my days and my mind

Hello MFP world. Today I have logged in for 983 days. With that being said, I haven't been very active or put much effort into losing weight for quit some time. I was very successful when I started out almost 3 years ago. I lost a total of about 55 pound the first year and maintained there for about 8 months. Since that time I've let about 10-12 pounds creep back on. I'll drop some, I'll gain it back, etc. I've maintained the +10 pounds for about another year. I've had bouts of "getting back on the wagon" numerous times but I stop fully committing after a month or so.

With all of that being said, I'm really ready to get back at. I've had a plan for a little while now, but I needed to write it down. I've had a busy summer full of drinks, lake/cabin time and I'm in my friends wedding so there have been lots of parties (and lots of excuses). My friends wedding is in two weeks, which just so happens to kind of coincide with my 1000th day on MFP and very near the start of October.

My plan is to start fresh October 1st. Wedding will be over, cabin will be closing up and it's a new season. I always feel fall is a time of letting go. I need to let go of some bad habits. My other thought is to let my days reset to zero so I truly have a "fresh" start. I'm just afraid I'm really going to miss logging in and seeing that streak!

So, in the meantime, I will do my best to maintain my currently weight or (maybe if I'm really lucky) lose a pound or two. I think I'm ready this time. October 1, I'm coming for you.


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Well you could decide to start on your 1000 day, whenever that is, instead of the first of October. Then you could count all days after 1000 as your fresh start, but still have your streak.

    The alternate is to do like you plan, break your streak, and make it your goal to match your old streak, but with every day logged.
    You could even be really challenging and say if the day isn't logged, you have to start your streak again. (That would be too tough for me :( )

    Cheers, h.