Hello MFP ladies

royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
Hello, me and my best friend were talking, and I have a question for all of the ladies on here

We were discussing our feelings about being a house wife

She feels that she rather her and her husband have a job, and they share the house duties 50/50 and their daughter is in day care and then when they get home from work and pick her up from daycare. She doesn't like the idea of staying home all day, tending to the house, cooking, kids being home etc etc. completely understandable. and it works for many families

I rather be a house wife, I love staying home all day, cleaning, cooking, teaching and parenting our daughter, running errands, grocery shopping etc. while my husband works all day, so that he can come home to a functioning house and a good dinner, my daughter goes to day care maybe once a week when i have a lot of things to do outside of the home.

what is your preference, house wife or working? or are you a house wife currently and hate it? or are you currently working and hate it?


  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    I work but if I could stay home, cook, and tend to kids I totally would. Every winter when I driving in snow and dealing with traffic I think about it. If I had a husband who could afford everything we need (and want because this girl has a crazy shoe habit) I would stay home in a heartbeat and join some sort of mommy club and make play dates.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I am not really sure about how much I would enjoy being married to a house. That makes my vajayjay hurt.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    as I am not married or have kids definitely career at this stage but I am domesticated :)

    When I am ready I think I will do 50/50 :)
  • brittyandian
    brittyandian Posts: 241 Member
    I've done both, and before my current career, I liked being a SAHM way more. I worked overnight shifts so my kids wouldn't be in daycare(I refuse to ever put them in one) and my husband is in the military so he works when he is told to. We never got to spend anytime together and I was so tired during the day while he was at work, I started to slack on parenting and keeping the home. Once I became pregnant with my son, I was put on strict bedrest. Wasnt allowed up for anything at all(had a nurse practioner come to me since I refused to live in the hospital for 8 months) so obviously I couldnt work. Right now I pretty much do both. I work for Mary Kay so I work when I want to and most of my money comes from online sales(I dont really do anything beside get paid haha). It's the best of both worlds I have a steady income and I get to be with my kids all day long.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I am a stay at home mom. I love being the one to raise my children but it gets old. It gets boring. Also I have never had the opportunity to work and I would love to. Once my last babies are in school I will be going back to school to finally start my own career.
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    I am not really sure about how much I would enjoy being married to a house. That makes my vajayjay hurt.

    lol! :laugh: that was awesome
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Houses wouldn't have kitchens if women were meant to work outside the home.
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    I've done both, and before my current career, I liked being a SAHM way more. I worked overnight shifts so my kids wouldn't be in daycare(I refuse to ever put them in one) and my husband is in the military so he works when he is told to. We never got to spend anytime together and I was so tired during the day while he was at work, I started to slack on parenting and keeping the home. Once I became pregnant with my son, I was put on strict bedrest. Wasnt allowed up for anything at all(had a nurse practioner come to me since I refused to live in the hospital for 8 months) so obviously I couldnt work. Right now I pretty much do both. I work for Mary Kay so I work when I want to and most of my money comes from online sales(I dont really do anything beside get paid haha). It's the best of both worlds I have a steady income and I get to be with my kids all day long.

    that is awesome, maybe i could pick up a work from home job, i am just afraid i would slack on maintaining home and parenting

    as for the bedrest situation, i am so sorry to hear that, i hope it all worked out well
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    I worked hard at getting where I am. I love working in healthcare. Love someday to have kids, but would hate to give up what I worked so hard to accomplish.:ohwell:

    Plus, being a SAHM is a fricking hard job.
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Just a heads up, it is very rarely really 50/50. Sometimes it's 70/30, sometimes 80/20, etc. But very rarely it is ever 50/50 despite that being the dream. :laugh: Just to prepare any of those that think it might work out that way.

    I work and make more money than my husband and our housework is usually split 75 (me)/25 (him)....and that is being generous. I'm ok with that since I want things done a certain way, but even if I asked for 50/50 I do NOT think that would happen...haha.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Houses wouldn't have kitchens if women were meant to work outside the home.

    Who would make the sammiches?
  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member
    When my kids were younger and didn't go to school yet I was a stay at home mom and I loved it. I did all of the cooking, cleaning, errands, you name it, I did it. When my youngest got old enough for half day pre-k it was totally different. I got all of my errands and cleaning done within the first 2 hours he was gone and the rest of the time I was counting down the hours until he got home so I could have something to do. That is when I knew I needed to go back to work. So the next year when they were all in all day school I went back to work. I am an Ed Tech for the local school department so I have the best of both worlds. I work mothers hours and bring home a decent paycheck and have holidays, school vacations off with the kids. It works wonderfully for me.
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    Just a heads up, it is very rarely really 50/50. Sometimes it's 70/30, sometimes 80/20, etc. But very rarely it is ever 50/50 despite that being the dream. :laugh: Just to prepare any of those that think it might work out that way.

    I work and make more money than my husband and our housework is usually split 75 (me)/25 (him)....and that is being generous. I'm ok with that since I want things done a certain way, but even if I asked for 50/50 I do NOT think that would happen...haha.

    lol i asked my best friend about 50/50 honestly being 50/50 and she swore that it works that way. but i know my husband, and i do not believe it would be a 50/50! lol
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I've done both. I prefer having a part time job. I get bored as a housewife but I can't work full time. 3 days per week is just about perfect.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    what is your preference, house wife or working?

    I want one of each, perhaps two working so I don't have to work but for sure I want one to clean the house.

    How hard is it to actually wash clothes and clean? Let's be honest. Most women throw the clothes in the washer, watch soap operas for an hour, and then throw them in the dryer when they're done. Cooking probably means you heat up a pizza or frozen dinner in the oven. It's not really anything that couldn't be done if you worked too.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Houses wouldn't have kitchens if women were meant to work outside the home.

    Who would make the sammiches?

    LOL...I almost added that to my post as well.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Houses wouldn't have kitchens if women were meant to work outside the home.

    Marry me.
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    When my kids were younger and didn't go to school yet I was a stay at home mom and I loved it. I did all of the cooking, cleaning, errands, you name it, I did it. When my youngest got old enough for half day pre-k it was totally different. I got all of my errands and cleaning done within the first 2 hours he was gone and the rest of the time I was counting down the hours until he got home so I could have something to do. That is when I knew I needed to go back to work. So the next year when they were all in all day school I went back to work. I am an Ed Tech for the local school department so I have the best of both worlds. I work mothers hours and bring home a decent paycheck and have holidays, school vacations off with the kids. It works wonderfully for me.

    thats amazing, if i were to get a job, it would be with the school board (probably little lunch lady) , that way i work school hours and im off when our daughter is off!

    but for now i LOVE my homemaking career! luckily when she gets in school i will have my chihuahua and cat to tend to lol
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Houses wouldn't have kitchens if women were meant to work outside the home.

    Marry me.

  • onetooblown
    onetooblown Posts: 115 Member
    I am in the housewife category. I love staying at home with my daughter. And bc I stay home with her I know she is being raised the way I want her to. A lot of kids in daycare will either get picked on or pick up bad behaviors of other children. I am going back to school at the end of the month but my mom will be watching her for those couple of hours that I am gone. If our family really needed me to work I would get a job bc my baby having a roof over her head is more important than losing what we have worked hard for for her. I am very lucky right now though that I get to spend most of my time with her.