International Day Of The Female Orgasm



    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...
  • Tinyfigure
    Tinyfigure Posts: 575 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...

    "Adults should only be allowed..."
    "Put a little friend on it"
    "Ever heard of the pill girls"

    Sounds to me as if you were telling people what to do...

    So what are you suggesting, having no more children? One child policy everywhere?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...
    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I celebrate this important holiday every day...
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...
    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    I MEANT 'un-empathetic'.... NOT 'empathetic' to the rest of the world... Just a typo... While chatting to my lady friends who had just turned up after a day out...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...

    First world countries don't have a population problem, if anything the population is in decline. Families in developed countries choosing to have more kids aren't contributing to overpopulation.

    As for 3rd world countries where there is an overpopulation problem, the way to fix that is to provide education and career opportunities for women so they have more choices in life than simply being a mother, and also affordable healthcare so people don't decide to have as many kids as they can because they're not sure how many will survive to adulthood, and also welfare for the elderly so people don't choose to have more kids to be sure of someone to look after them when they get old. And of course, free family planning including free "little friends" for whoever wants it. That would also help fight against the AIDS epidemic and the spread of other STDs. The reason why the population is in decline in developed countries, is they already have these things. Most families who have a choice choose to have maybe two kids, many people in developed countries choose to have no kids at all. people in 3rd world countries, given all those things, would choose to have fewer kids... I've seen that in action... i used to teach English to women in Saudi, and while nearly all of them were from very large families, they themselves aspired to have smaller families because unlike their mothers, they had been educated and have a lot more choices in life than their mothers had.

    So preaching to people who own computers, are literate, and have access to the internet about not contributing to overpopulation, is futile.
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...

    First world countries don't have a population problem, if anything the population is in decline. Families in developed countries choosing to have more kids aren't contributing to overpopulation.

    As for 3rd world countries where there is an overpopulation problem, the way to fix that is to provide education and career opportunities for women so they have more choices in life than simply being a mother, and also affordable healthcare so people don't decide to have as many kids as they can because they're not sure how many will survive to adulthood, and also welfare for the elderly so people don't choose to have more kids to be sure of someone to look after them when they get old. And of course, free family planning including free "little friends" for whoever wants it. That would also help fight against the AIDS epidemic and the spread of other STDs. The reason why the population is in decline in developed countries, is they already have these things. Most families who have a choice choose to have maybe two kids, many people in developed countries choose to have no kids at all. people in 3rd world countries, given all those things, would choose to have fewer kids... I've seen that in action... i used to teach English to women in Saudi, and while nearly all of them were from very large families, they themselves aspired to have smaller families because unlike their mothers, they had been educated and have a lot more choices in life than their mothers had.

    So preaching to people who own computers, are literate, and have access to the internet about not contributing to overpopulation, is futile.

    I'm afraid... that YOU are right and wrong... In the developed nations there is still a problem of large families, because of immigration (from Asia/Africa and then classed as British in surveys in later years) as well as lower class families (in general) having more children... A recent EU survey showed UK population growing way too much for a small island... Too many social benefits for having child after child and when you come from a poor country, its all a bonus, to how you used to live... I guess its not a problem in USA etc....
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...

    First world countries don't have a population problem, if anything the population is in decline. Families in developed countries choosing to have more kids aren't contributing to overpopulation.

    As for 3rd world countries where there is an overpopulation problem, the way to fix that is to provide education and career opportunities for women so they have more choices in life than simply being a mother, and also affordable healthcare so people don't decide to have as many kids as they can because they're not sure how many will survive to adulthood, and also welfare for the elderly so people don't choose to have more kids to be sure of someone to look after them when they get old. And of course, free family planning including free "little friends" for whoever wants it. That would also help fight against the AIDS epidemic and the spread of other STDs. The reason why the population is in decline in developed countries, is they already have these things. Most families who have a choice choose to have maybe two kids, many people in developed countries choose to have no kids at all. people in 3rd world countries, given all those things, would choose to have fewer kids... I've seen that in action... i used to teach English to women in Saudi, and while nearly all of them were from very large families, they themselves aspired to have smaller families because unlike their mothers, they had been educated and have a lot more choices in life than their mothers had.

    So preaching to people who own computers, are literate, and have access to the internet about not contributing to overpopulation, is futile.

    I'm afraid... that YOU are right and wrong... In the developed nations there is still a problem of large families, because of immigration (from Asia/Africa and then classed as British in surveys in later years) as well as lower class families (in general) having more children... A recent EU survey showed UK population growing way too much for a small island... Too many social benefits for having child after child and when you come from a poor country, its all a bonus, to how you used to live... I guess its not a problem in USA etc....

    My family left the UK due to the ridiculously high cost of living and went to live elsewhere. Britain may have been a good country to go and live in in the 70s but it's not right now. As for population growth, in the last couple of years the birth rate has risen from 1.9 to 2.0. Still nowhere near high enough for overpopulation to be an issue, and when the British economy is back on the up, it'll most likely fall again, as it seems that the rise in the birth rate is correlated with a rise in poverty, which was caused by the government bailing out all the banks, not by people claiming benefits.
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    In related news 9 months from now is World Overpopulation Day


    HA HA HA....

    Ever heard of the pill girls?

    PS. Way too many people on this planet.... Is it YOUR FAULT? Adults should only be allowed one each to add to population... Too many large families still...

    PPS. Shag away, but put a 'little friend' on IT!

    I'm Sorry, how exactly is it any of your business how many children someone has or how they choose to protect themselves (or not)?
    If you don't want children, wear a condom. Don't tell other people what to do.

    I'm not telling people WHAT TO DO... Just if you have loads of kids... As far as I am concerned you are 'unemphatic' to the rest of the worlds population and its future population...

    First world countries don't have a population problem, if anything the population is in decline. Families in developed countries choosing to have more kids aren't contributing to overpopulation.

    As for 3rd world countries where there is an overpopulation problem, the way to fix that is to provide education and career opportunities for women so they have more choices in life than simply being a mother, and also affordable healthcare so people don't decide to have as many kids as they can because they're not sure how many will survive to adulthood, and also welfare for the elderly so people don't choose to have more kids to be sure of someone to look after them when they get old. And of course, free family planning including free "little friends" for whoever wants it. That would also help fight against the AIDS epidemic and the spread of other STDs. The reason why the population is in decline in developed countries, is they already have these things. Most families who have a choice choose to have maybe two kids, many people in developed countries choose to have no kids at all. people in 3rd world countries, given all those things, would choose to have fewer kids... I've seen that in action... i used to teach English to women in Saudi, and while nearly all of them were from very large families, they themselves aspired to have smaller families because unlike their mothers, they had been educated and have a lot more choices in life than their mothers had.

    So preaching to people who own computers, are literate, and have access to the internet about not contributing to overpopulation, is futile.

    I'm afraid... that YOU are right and wrong... In the developed nations there is still a problem of large families, because of immigration (from Asia/Africa and then classed as British in surveys in later years) as well as lower class families (in general) having more children... A recent EU survey showed UK population growing way too much for a small island... Too many social benefits for having child after child and when you come from a poor country, its all a bonus, to how you used to live... I guess its not a problem in USA etc....

    My family left the UK due to the ridiculously high cost of living and went to live elsewhere. Britain may have been a good country to go and live in in the 70s but it's not right now. As for population growth, in the last couple of years the birth rate has risen from 1.9 to 2.0. Still nowhere near high enough for overpopulation to be an issue, and when the British economy is back on the up, it'll most likely fall again, as it seems that the rise in the birth rate is correlated with a rise in poverty, which was caused by the government bailing out all the banks, not by people claiming benefits.

    YOU HAVE JUST ANSWERED MY PROBLEM AND SHOWN HOW WRONG YOU ARE.... UK is a good country, every country has to PAY FOR ITSELF... And over population is part of that... Your family ran from the UK to escape the taxes to pay for the 'services' of dealing with immigration and expanding population... Yes Banks are a problem too...

    But the TALK was not about Benefits, Taxes, Banks... BUT POPULATION... There are TOO MANY PEOPLE in THE WORLD! For everyone to enjoy a GOOD LIFE...

  • Tinyfigure
    Tinyfigure Posts: 575 Member
    Lets bring this thread back to celebrating the awesomeness that is a female orgasm.. ;) :angel:
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    Lets Get Back to International Day of The Female Orgasm... A subject much more FUN... And even more difficult to solve than population growth...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Lets Get Back to International Day of The Female Orgasm... A subject much more FUN... And even more difficult to solve than population growth...

    You were the one who brought up the subject of overpopulation.... and btw please don't make assumptions about my family, based on a tiny little bit of information about the internet, thank you. (we didn't leave to escape taxes, we left because we couldn't afford to pay the rent on my husband's salary alone and wanted to support ourselves rather than claim benefits)

    yes please lets get back go female orgasms.... definitely fun.... but not a problem that needs to be solved if you know what you're doing :flowerforyou: x10000000000000000000000000
  • Tinyfigure
    Tinyfigure Posts: 575 Member
    Lets Get Back to International Day of The Female Orgasm... A subject much more FUN... And even more difficult to solve than population growth...

    You were the one who brought up the subject of overpopulation.... and btw please don't make assumptions about my family, based on a tiny little bit of information about the internet, thank you.

    yes please lets get back go female orgasms.... definitely fun.... but not a problem that needs to be solved if you know what you're doing :flowerforyou: x10000000000000000000000000

    So... How is that been going for you today? ;)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Lets Get Back to International Day of The Female Orgasm... A subject much more FUN... And even more difficult to solve than population growth...

    You were the one who brought up the subject of overpopulation.... and btw please don't make assumptions about my family, based on a tiny little bit of information about the internet, thank you.

    yes please lets get back go female orgasms.... definitely fun.... but not a problem that needs to be solved if you know what you're doing :flowerforyou: x10000000000000000000000000

    So... How is that been going for you today? ;)

    Kind of a personal question, but I've nothing to complain about :wink:
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    Lets leave the Troll alone in his sad place...

    And get back yo International female orgasm day... Where can I join in?

    HOW do you girls take part? or achieve finding it? :)