*CLOSED GROUP* Lose a pound a week in August WEEK 2!



  • milkmaid1980
    milkmaid1980 Posts: 11 Member
    I am just checking in and reading about everyone's progress. I was away from home over the weekend visiting family, and I am so happy that I stayed on track and didn't fall for any high carb & high cal choices! I am doing Focus T25 for exercise, except I am not doing a double workout on Fridays like it says, I am just doing them 6 days a week. Ready to hit it again today!

    Whenever I feel like "this is hard" I like to remember the quote "Choose your hard". Being fat is hard. Not fitting into my clothes is hard. Feeling ashamed in front of my husband is hard. So, choose your hard! We can do it! :-)
  • 125by125
    125by125 Posts: 30 Member
    Reporting in!

    So I WANTED to go swimming today but my head had other plans! All weekend I'd been fighting a migraine and I woke up this morning with it going in full force. I've finally been able to move around a bit now (almost 5PM) but there is no gym or pool in the cards for me. I DID start the crunch and squat challenge I posted though so I guess today isn't a total wash. Just a huge bummer.

    Karen - How did curves go? Was it good to be back?

    Shari- How were those low carb California roles? I'm thinking of trying them after my next shopping trip so I can get the right ingredients!

    Rebecca - Good to hear from you, thanks for dropping in! I love love LOVED your quote! I may have to steal it :-). DO you remember where you first heard it from?

    Keep on keeping on everyone! And happy Monday!
  • kare5625
    kare5625 Posts: 21 Member
    It was awesome to be back. You don't realize how much you miss it till you go back. On Tuesday and Thursdays I do zumba at curves. But tomorrow I have to go visit my uncle in the hospital he had spinal fusion surgery. But I will do my zumba at home.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone :)

    The next challenge is coming to a close in only 2 days.

    I can't wait.

    I have been a very good girl LOL. Let's hope the scale will be very good to me on Thursday.

    So far I am down another 1.2 lbs from yesterday.

    Focus Focus Focus I tell myself :)

    Regardless, I feel healthier :)
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