Kidney stones and weight gain?

Eden1215 Posts: 126 Member
edited November 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I am on medication to try to pass a kidney stone . I have been bloated and have been stuck at the same weight for five months. Could this be because of kidney stones?


  • Jadesfire93
    Jadesfire93 Posts: 92 Member
    edited September 2018
    I've had kidney stones twice in my life. Pretty sure my weight gain, chronic dehydration, and re-introduction of soda caused mine the last time. I've not heard of stones taking that long to pass. Mind if I ask what medication, and why you and/or your doctor are OK with waiting 5 months to take care of this condition?
    Edit: Also, are you a male or a female?
  • Eden1215
    Eden1215 Posts: 126 Member
    Female and I am taking Flomax . I am supposed to take tramadol but not taking it often bc I don’t like how it makes me feel. I kept getting uti so than she decided to do a ct.
  • Jadesfire93
    Jadesfire93 Posts: 92 Member
    Well, I'm sure there are other factors going into this course of treatment, and I'm not a human medical professional. But I would personally not find five months living with kidney stones acceptable and I would talk to my doctor about other course of action- such as cystocentesis and/or lithotripsy depending on the stone(s)'s location. And I'd make sure the CT scan was done using contrast media so the doctor can tell the exact location of the stone and the urine flow (and any possible constrictions (I almost put blockages, but if this has been going on for five months a blockage would have been an emergency situation at the very outset).
    I just did a brief lit search for Flomax and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of well-designed studies for this drug's use in women, and the side effects are fairly generic. I wouldn't rule out the drug being a cause of the bloatedness, and would bring up that concern with your doctor as well. Also, I assume other possible causes of your initial symptoms were ruled out? Ovarian cysts feel an awful lot like kidney stones.
    These are just some ideas I'm throwing out, assuming weighing and measuring of food is going to plan. Good luck to you, and hope you feel better soon.
  • Eden1215
    Eden1215 Posts: 126 Member
    Thank you ! Lot of questions I will be asking my doctor.
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