Hey everyone

Hi, I'm another newbie. I've been on about MFP about a week and am happy that I've lost 2lbs thus far.

My short term goal is 5-8 more lbs by my vacation in mid-August. My long-term goal is the 25 lbs I've slowly put on over the last 8 years.

My biggest challenge is consistency. I get all gung-ho about a new diet or project and go all out for about 2 weeks, then lose interest and motivation if it is not working fast enough. I am trying to phrase this as a lifestyle change and not another get thin quick scheme.

Thank you all in advance for your support and for sharing your experiences on your journey.


  • constancelawson
    constancelawson Posts: 32 Member
    welcome to fitness pal i love this site, have fun and enjoy!!!
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    They say it takes 21 days to form a habit... you can do it. :)